September 2022 Minutes

 Minutes of the Monthly Parish Meeting of The Moulton’s Parish Council held on Tuesday 6TH September 2022 at Moulton Community Centre.


 Present: Parish Cllrs. Woolf (Chairman), Hahn, Wakefield, Wright, Benton, Kirk, Henderson, Sanderson, Ingham, Sneath, Tibbs and Clerk.

One member of the public, One member of the Press and District / County Cllrs. Gibson & Casson


1)Chairman’s Welcome

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and hoped that they had enjoyed the Summer. He followed this by asking everyone to stand for a minute’s silence to show their respect for the late Cllr. Angela Newton, following her sudden death.


 2)  Public Forum:

Cllr. Kirk gave a quick update on Moulton Play Park. Moving forward, after the next two planned meeting with SHDC, he was expecting to be able to update everyone on all the progress that has been made, as it was still a work in progress but going well.

Cllr. Casson wanted to let the PC know he had been contacted by a member of the public about the return of Chafer grubs in Moulton Cemetery and that they had also been found in a lawn down Reynoulds Gardens.  He also wanted to express his concern about how bad the roads are, after being damaged by large vehicles, as where they have been broken up, they now have grass growing out of them. Cllr. Gibson was aware and said everyone should keep shouting about it, this is partly due to the £19,000,000 cut by the govt, that was for upkeep of the roads.

A representative from Allison Homes asked to give as update on the building in Moulton Chapel. He said that piling of the foundations were due to begin and would go on for aprox. 3 weeks and wanted everyone to be aware. The Parish Council voiced their objections and said this would result in flooding unless a new dyke was made along St James Way. The councillors were told Allison Homes were told by the SHDC Planning Dept that the piling needed to be done.


3) Apologies for Absence

 Cllr. Cooper which was accepted by all.

Cllr Kirk left the meeting at 7.45pm.


4) Declarations of interest

Cllr. Woolf declared his interest as a District Councillor and in Moulton Park.


5) To Consider Notes of meeting held 05/07/2022

It was proposed by Cllr. Hahn, seconded by Cllr. Kirk and agreed by all of the attending councillors that they could be signed off by Chairman.


6) To Consider any matters arising from the minutes that are not covered by the agenda



7) Cemetery, Church Yard and Allotments

A. Cemetery

 Chafer Grubs have returned in places. A member of the public contacted Cllr. Casson about the number of crows that have been seen in the cemetery, Clerk has been in contact with RG Groundworks and unfortunately due to ill health he has retired and moved to Blackpool. Clerk is now trying to find another contractor who may be able to help.

A wasp’s nest was found above the store shed door in the Apex. One of the Marriott brothers had already been stung and they were flying around the watering cans and tap. Clerk had arranged for a company to come and deal with the problem.



Alan & Olive Clements

Kathleen Culy

Scott Lewis


B. Churchyard

All ok


C. Allotments.  

Rent letters are ready to go out at the end of the month


8) Police Matters:

SID update sent to PCSO

 A survey has been received from Lincolnshire Police Neighbourhood Policing – closes 23rd Sept 2022

The PC should now be receiving monthly newsletters

The priority for the next three months is Tackling traffic violation – Weston Beggars Bush Lane / Broadgate – the No Entry sign is being contravened

PCSO has asked if there are any community groups that would like her to visit, if so to contact her and has requested more info on CSW.



9) Highways

Temporary Traffic Regulation Order Moulton TTR001115

22/08/2022 – 28/08/2022 – Church Lane – gas connection



Woodgate Moulton Chapel nr. Plough Pub – requires detailed investigation – specialist drainage engineer now looking into the whole of the area- will let us know the conclusion in due course. – after recent rain work is now in progress.

Junction A151 / Fold Lane – Site has been assessed and does not need urgent action- no further action unless significantly deteriorates. – Hedges have recently been trimmed

Broad Lane / Cobgate Junction – not taking immediate enforcement action but will continue to monitor and review the site – Cllr. Casson has done a site visit and Due to Birds nesting season nothing can be done until September.

Moulton Village Green – following the recent rain – action is now scheduled

Letter from member of the public requesting LCC carry out a speed survey along Fengate MC and also select a site for the CSW to use their speed guns – LRSP are to complete new surveys in MC and MSE

Quotes have been received for both a battery and solar SID unit. The one we have at the moment is a battery powered Unipart Dorman.

Clerk was asked to chase for information and price on the PopUp Bob cut out.

A new monitoring survey is to be installed on the Common Road MSE and also in MC at the same time



10) Finance Report    

Business Account           £91,635.12

Treasurers Account        £69,811.33

Petty cash                        £-19.66

Total                                £161,426.79


Total Income               July £660.80 August £486.00

Total Expenditure       July £3,798.15 August £1911.20


Payments to be made

Marriott Bros    -   £646.06

T N Sneath       -     £557.40

PKF                     -   £360.00

Influence          -    £960.00

SHPVCS              -   £1,202.00

ROSPA               -   £113.40

Petty Cash        -    £100.00

Gallagher Ins Renewal £1,724.15 (last year £1,614.50) waiting for quote from BHIB


The AGAR – The Annual Governance & Accountability Return for year ended 31st March 2022 has been completed by the external auditor PKF and nothing was found to cause concern. Figures can now be seen on the website.

Comparison quotes have also been received for a new defibrillator, with and without a grant

With grant £1225.00 + VAT & installation (lithium battery to be changed at 5 years at cost of £200 – pads after each use or 3 years at cost of £45

Without grant £1415 + VAT & installation (cheaper pads & batteries – 5 years between changes

                           £1170.00 +VAT & installation (more expensive pads & batteries)

Prices include cabinets

The Chairman asked if he could have a proposal to accept the above figures. Cllr Wakefield proposed they should and this was seconded by Cllr. Wright and agreed by everyone.



11) Planning Consultations                                                                                                                               

H13-0629-22 – Adj. 3 Pipwell Gate MSE - Residential Development - outline - single dwelling – comments entered

H13-0682-22 – The Limes 15 Hall Gate – proposed replacement dwelling & storage sheds – Full – no comments

H13-0734-22 – West View Hall Gate – Full – proposed use of site to keep more than 6 dogs, including sale of puppies and retired dogs & erection of kennels and grooming area – retrospective – comments made against and enforcement Dept contacted.

Enforcement Dept are unable to act until the application has been refused as it is a retrospective application. They would also need to time to act as dogs would need to be found homes etc.


Decided Applications

4th-10th July 2022 – H13-0470-22 - 5 Fairway Drive MSE – works to TPO  - Approved

11th-17th July 2022 – H13-0120-22- 40a Broad Lane Moulton – proposed first floor & side extension – Continuation – Approved

H13-0436-22 -1 Fairway Drive MSE – Works to TPO – Approved

H13-0508-22 - Jack Buck Farms Ltd Green Lane MSE – proposed extension to celeriac grading building- FULL – Approved

H13-0526-22 - Eugate Road MC – Demolition of agricultural building and erection of a detached dwelling – Modification - Approved

H13-0530-22 - 62 Hatt Close Moulton – proposed extensions & alterations – Full – Approved

18th-24th July 2022 - None

25th-31st July 2022 – H13-0539-22- Tinkers Cross Moulton – erection of beacon – retrospective – Full – Approved

H13-0570-22 – Poplar Farm Austendyke Road Weston Hills – Demolition of straw bale building & erection of Industrial units change to commercial use – Full – Approved

1st-7th August 2022 – H13-1350-21- Hazeldene House Broad Lane Moulton – alterations to garage to create hobby room – listed building – non-determination

H13-0679-22- 24 Roman Road MC – single storey rear extension – kitchen/ garden room – Prior approval App – Approved

8th-14th August 2022 – None

15th-21st August 2022 – H13-0514-22 - Adj. 26 Pipwell Gate MSE – Residential development – 1 Dwelling – outline – Approved

22nd-28th August 2022 – H13-0629-22 - Adj.2 Pipwell Gate MSE – Residential development – single dwelling – Outline – Approved

29thAugust – 4th September 2022 – H13-0682-22 – The Limes Hall Gate Moulton – Proposed replacement dwelling & storage barn – Full – Approved.




12) Moulton Village Ward:

Cllr. Kirk gave an update on Moulton Park –A  letter had been received from John Hayes MP on behalf of a resident.

The Parish Council have been invited to enter a float in next year’s Spalding Flower Parade – A parade sub-committee was made up of Cllrs. Woolf, Wakefield, Wright, Sanderson and Henderson, who will put their heads together to create the float.

The date for the Autumn litter pick is September 24th



13)Moulton Seas End Ward:

The documents for the transfer of ownership of the War Memorial have been signed and returned. Roythorns are now completing this for us

G & D engineering have adjusted the play park gate as much as it can be adjusted. If still not good enough a new fastener will be needed from the supplier. Cllr. Cooper has had a look and the gate will stay closed if pushed closed, but if swung still has a small gap.

 The ROSPA inspection had taken place and report has been received. It was agreed that a site visit should be arranged to discuss the report.

An extra dog poo bin was requested to be placed in Carrington Road.

The date for the Autumn litter pick is September 24th.


14) Moulton Chapel Ward:

Diversions in the village have caused chaos and damage to the single - track roads. District Council and local press have been involved.

Letter from the public has been received with reference to H13-0606-22 Larkfleet (Alison Homes) raising lots of concerns. SHDC planning and district councillors are aware of the problems.

Letter received from member of the public about dogs not being allowed on the playing field. Clerk and MCCYC both replied to explain why.

Wayne Green Site Manager Allison Homes intends to attend all future Parish meeting to be able to answer any questions

Fengate – LRSP to carry out another survey

Roman Road and Woodgate have noticed a problem with dog fouling again

Macmillan Coffee morning to be held at MCYCC Friday 30th September 2022 10am – 12pm

The date for the Autumn litter pick is September 24th




15)SID Report

Copy has been emailed to all councillors and the police as too many pages to print out

Request for flashing speed sign on Broad Lane near Lowther Ave – clerk was asked to get prices

Quotes for new SID units have been received:

Battery - £2000.00 each – can attach to lamp posts or other street furniture

Solar -  £2000.00/£2500.00 plus £300 per fixed post




16) Correspondence

Copy deadline for Village Voice was 8th September 2022



17) Items asked to be included on Agenda during last meeting

Review of Standing Orders and Code of Conduct – copies have been emailed to all councillors. Cllr Cooper is still reviewing them and has confirmed nothing is missing but some points could now be removed as no longer relevant to the PC.



18) Councillors’ minor reports and items for next Agenda.



19) Date and Time of next meeting.

The next Parish Meeting will be on Tuesday 4th October 2022 at 7pm at Moulton Chapel Community Centre.


20) To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude public, press and police.



The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.25pm