July 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of The Moulton’s Parish Council held on Tuesday 6th July 2021 at Moulton Chapel Community Centre.


 Present: Cllrs. A. Woolf (Chairman), Cooper (Vice Chairman), Wakefield, Hahn, Henderson, Sanderson,  Benton,  Clerk.

District Cllr Casson.    1 member of the press.  


1)Chairman’s Welcome

The Chairman welcomed everyone


 2)  Public Forum:

Cllr. Casson asked to give an update on the new drain in Moulton Seas End that has been put in by the Drainage Board to let us know that it now has some water in it. He also confirmed that the drainage problem at the bottom of the gardens in Roman Road Moulton Chapel was being solved by having a French drain put in. (gravel filled).


3) Apologies for Absence

 Cllrs. W. Woolf, Wright, Tibbs & Kirk sent their apologies and were accepted by all.


4) Declarations of interest

Cllr. Wakefield declared interest in 199 Eaugate Road Moulton Eaugate – demolition of existing house and replace with a new dwelling  – Planning


5) To Consider Notes of meeting held 01/06/2021

It was agreed by all of the attending councillors, proposed by Cllr. Hahn, seconded by Cllr. Cooper that they could be signed off by the Chairman.


6) To Consider any matters arising from the minutes that are not covered by the Agenda.



7) Cemetery, Church Yard and Allotments:


A. Cemetery.

The ground is now looking a lot better since the grass seed has started to grow. The whole area has been treated with nematodes which should solve the Chafer grub problem. The long grass area has also been mown and turned into bales of hay.



John Biggadike

Michael Dowell

Leslie Barnett

Kathleen Tooke

Dennis Rate


B. Churchyard

It is hoped after 19th July 2021 the end of lockdown that more of the Probation service Volunteers will be able to attend work as they should be able to share transport.

The Parish Council are waiting for written confirmation that either the churchyard is closed or that in earlier years it was officially adopted by the Parish Council. Once established they can then consider if they are responsible for costings of any work that may need doing, that could then be included in next years precept.


C. Allotments.  

All are being kept clean and tidy.


8) Police Matters:

A letter had been received outlining aims, priorities and how they plan to engage with the public. As no local updates had been received due to illness the clerk was asked to contact the local PC for information and with reference to the SID report.


9) Highways

Temporary Restriction – Long Lane Moulton – 19/07/2021 – 21/07/2021 – AWA

A survey was installed 15/06/2021 in Station Road Moulton to find the frequency of HGV’s and agricultural Vehicles using the road. – No engineering casualties were identified. A resident has been advised to contact LCC Highways engineers to discuss further



Rocks placed on side of road in MC – Investigating – Cllr. Pepper has also been in contact about this

Right of way blocked Randall Bank – Further investigations are taking place

Hedges overgrown into road on Oxcroft Bank - no further action – adequate space to pass

The clerk was asked to contact Cllr. Pepper about the problem in Oxcroft Bank, to point out the problems that are being caused such as the side of the road giving way as the large agricultural / HGV vehicles have to pull so far over onto the side to get by the overgrown areas, also resulting in broken wing mirrors and scratched paintwork.


10) Finance Report:

Business Account         £91,622.13

Treasurers Account      £61,598.17

Total                              £153,220.30


Total Income         £430.00

Total Expenditure £5,758.33


Petty cash total      £119.86 (Jan-June)

December input     £100.00 (cash)

Outstanding              £19.86 (it was agreed the clerk could have a further £100 cash for petty cash)


Payments to be made

M C Community Centre for hire of hall (£10 per hour)

R Marriott - £640.08

Wicksteed Leisure - £54.79

Poo Bags - £105.00

It was proposed by Cllr. Hahn and seconded by Cllr. Cooper to accept the above Financial figures.



11) Planning Matters:                                                                                                                          


8 High Road Moulton – two storey side extension – Full – no comments

Golden Lion MSE – erection of dwelling – full – comments submitted

Golden Lion MSE – part change of use shop & post office – full – comments submitted

199 Eaugate Road Moulton Eaugate – demolition of existing house and replace with new dwelling – full – no comments


Decided Applications

31st May – 6th June – 6 Seas End Road MSE – Proposed extension – approved

                                       2 Westmoreland Road – single storey extension – approved

7th June – 13th June -   None

14th June – 20th June – None

21st June – 27th June – 8 High Road Moulton- side & rear extension – approved

                                         Rear of 184 High Road Moulton – erection 4 bed bungalow - approved



12) Moulton Village Ward:

Defib pads were replaced 7th June 2021

Cllr. Hahn asked if it would be possible to have more than one defibrillator in the village. The clerk was asked to look at the costings before the Parish Council could consider this.

Letters were sent to some residents regarding overgrown shrubs/hedges

Proposed Pop Up events are being planned by SHDC and would like to bring it to a Moulton Village  on the 27th August  2021.

Moulton Mill are preparing plans for their Anniversary which will co-inside with the Queens centenary weekend June 2022.

A Member of public from East Cobgate has contacted us about another accident at the crossroads of East Cobgate, Eastgate, Hogsgate and Cobgate, requesting a continuation of the 30MPH speed limit through the entire length of East Cobgate. This information was forwarded to the Road Safety Partnership.


13)Moulton Seas End Ward:

ROSPA will be carrying out their inspection in August.

A local childminder has complained about the gate to the play park, it has been broken for quite a while but is now not closing at all, so is not safe as a child could run out into the road. A couple of tots groups are using the park as they are unable to use the hall at the moment. She has been using a bungee strap to keep it closed but obviously this stops anyone else from entering. Cllr. Cooper offered to make any repairs that were needed.


Parts had also been received from Wicksteed Leisure to repair the broken swing in the play park.

New No Dogs signs (play park) and Convex mirror (playing field) had been bought

The Defib pads were replaced 7th June 2021

The plan for planting shrubs etc in the Play Park and playing field is still ongoing.

The Village Hall remains closed till September.

The Mole problem did not appear to be as prominent, so it was decided to wait before any action was taken and the quotes obtained by the clerk to be put on file for future use.



14)Moulton Chapel Ward:

A donation of £200 was made towards new benches for the new play area.

The Planning Dept were looking for land owners re flooding on South of Roman Road, the clerk was asked to inform them that the Parish Council handed this area of land back to the Crown in 1981.

The window in the notice board is partly broken/missing, so notices can get wet in the rain. The clerk was asked to contact the Marriott Bros. about getting this repaired.

A member of the public asked why St James Way play park is still closed and when will it be open, the clerk was asked to let them know that it is the responsibility of Kia, the developers and nothing to do with the Parish Council.

The Defib pads were replaced 7th June 2021

Village Hall is still closed.


15)SID Report

Copies had been emailed to all councillors and the Police.

Cllr. Sanderson asked if the village Speed watch could resume. The Chairman was hopeful that it could after July 19th 2021.


16) Correspondence:

The clerk had drawn up a new list of Parish meeting dates and places due to all Halls being open from September. All councillors accepted this and the clerk agreed to get them booked.

All deeds have been returned to Roythorns Solicitors

Village Voice copy deadline is 8th July





17) Items asked to be included on Agenda during last meeting



18) Councillors’ minor reports and items for next Agenda.



19) Date and Time of next meeting.

Date of next Parish Meeting will be on Tuesday 7th September 2021 at 7pm at Moulton Chapel Community Centre


20) To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude public, press and police.



The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.15pm