March 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of The Moulton’s Parish Council held on Tuesday 2nd March 2021 via Zoom.


 Present:   Cllrs Wakefield (Chairman), Hahn, Poll, Tibbs, Henderson, wright, Cooper, Benton, A. Woolf, W. Woolf, Poll, Clerk.

District Cllr Casson.    1 member of the press.  

1)Chairman’s Welcome

The Chairman welcomed everyone

 2)  Public Forum:

Cllr. Casson asked if issues with dog mess had improved, as he had been in contact with the dog warden about increasing their patrols.

He also asked to give an update on the recent flooding issues in MSE and other local problem areas. LCC had been sucking / cleaning out the gullies, but some did still need jetting and he asked Cllr. Poll to chase this up. The Drainage Board work was still ongoing in MSE and have already had a machine to dig around the area to help remove 1000 gallons of water. They are also going to make a drain that they will adopt and this is hoped to make a big improvement for the future.

Cllr. Casson also raised the growing problem of fly tipping in the area , even though the ‘Wombles’ have been out on a regular basis

3) Apologies for Absence

 Cllrs Sanderson sent his apologies that were accepted.

4) Declarations of interest

None received

5) To Consider Notes of meeting held 02/02/2021

It was agreed by all of the attending councillors that they could be signed off by the Chairman.

6) To Consider any matters arising from the minutes that are not covered by the Agenda.


7) Cemetery, Church Yard and Allotments:

A. Cemetery.

Thank you letters had been sent to the Marriott Bros. for all their hard work.

Due to more subsidence was closed again on Monday 22nd February but was able to reopen on Tuesday 2nd March, after the Marriott Bros. had filled in a further 50 graves.

Some members of the public had been worried because they have not been able to remove the Xmas wreaths due to the closure but the clerk had confirmed the cemetery keeper would remove them.

The Marriott Bros. asked if they would soon be getting the new mower for the cemetery and said they have someone who would like to purchase the present mower they are using once we have bought a new one. Cllr. Cooper agreed to find a suitable mower to purchase.

Cllr. A. Woolf reminded everyone that the Chafer grubs were still a problem and asked that it was added to the next month’s Agenda. The Chairman was hoping to get a price for the treatment needed for this, so that a plan of action can be mad



B. Churchyard

Two quotes had been received for the tree work in Moulton church yard

Marcus Goose               -       £2250.00

Salters Landscaping      -      £4350.00 

It was agreed by all to accept the quote from Marcus Goose and the clerk was asked to contact him with reference to beginning the work.

C. Allotments.  


8) Police Matters:

The clerk had given our meeting dates to the PCO to enable her to send relevant information each month, and also forwarded our contact for Speed watch.

We received a list of offences or times that the police had needed to intervene. The most serious being 3 x firearms offences in MSE and MC.

The Police had also asked for new tasks /priorities to work on. It was thought that items needing attention at the present time were:

1. Fly Tipping

2. Nitrous Oxide canisters and empty beer cans / bottles being left in boxes down back roads of Moulton. ( Spalding Gate & Hogs Gate in particular)

3.Contact the farmers, to ask if they can make sure their workers take home all rubbish instead of leaving it on the edge of the fields.

4.Check speed of vehicles on High Road Moulton and through the village of Moulton Chapel.


9) Highways

A number of members of the public from Moulton Chapel had contacted the clerk about the state of the road sides and where the speed restriction signs are situated, as  new houses had been built outside of the current speed restrictions signs and with no kerbs / footpaths, which has led to passing vehicles mainly lorries etc to having to drive on the grass to allow oncoming traffic enough room to get by.  The clerk was asked to contact the Highways Dept with reference to this.

Temporary traffic Restrictions:

Hall Lane MSE -30/03/2021 – 01/04/2021 – AWA

River Lane Moulton – 29/03/2021 – 01/04/2021 – water connection

Church Lane Moulton -15/03/2021 – 22/03/2021 – sewer connection

Broad Lane Moulton where the road was breaking up and flooded is now fixed, but when the area was being cleared for repair, debris, pebbles and dirt have been moved and left outside 133-137 Broad Lane, so this in turn is making more problems, so the clerk was asked to contact Highways to get this removed.


10) Finance Report:

Treasurers account       £30,816.12

30 day interest acct      £91,619.12

Total                               £122,435.24

Items Still to clear / pay                                                                                            

 LALC   -   £666.59                                                                                     

Marriott Bros £702.01


11) Planning Matters:                                                                                                                          


Wishing Well WoodHouse Lane MSE – proposed log cabin –

30 Ashby Gardens Moulton – single storey extension –

38 Broad Lane Moulton – extension /alterations

Moulton Bulb Company – erection of dry onion store – worries over possible smell


Decided Applications

1st – 7th February 2021  - none

8th – 14th February 2021 – 15 west Cobgate moulton - landscaping

                                                Jack Buck Farms - extension to storage shed

15th – 21st February 2021 – Off Roman Road MSE – erection of dwelling

22nd -28th February 2021 – rear 46 Seas End Rd – erection of two dwellings



12) Moulton Village Ward:

 A cheque for a donation of £50 had been sent to help towards the funding re book exchange in phone box, which is now up and running. Cllr. W. Woolf had herself used it and thought how well it was working.

Cllr A. Woolf asked to thank everyone that had been involved with the recent litter pick on Saturday 27th February. It was the most successful yet.

The Community Centre is still closed and not expected to have any bookings until after September.


13)Moulton Seas End Ward:

A member of the Spalding High School has recently met with Cllrs. Woolf about the planting of more trees/ shrubs in the Play Park and Playing Field. It was suggested and agreed that the Parish Council should also  help with the offer of £100 donation towards the purchase of shrubs etc.

Jack Buck Farms are keeping the pipe safe until that can place it into the Playing Park hopefully in May / June depending on weather and work.

The Village Hall is still closed


14)Moulton Chapel Ward:

A member of the public has requested speed bumps on entering and leaving the village, but it was stated that Lincolnshire do not do traffic calming. However the clerk was asked to contact the Highways to request a meeting with someone on how to slow traffic and traffic orders.

 St James Way resident has asked about the problem of ball games on The Green instead of The  Playing Field. Wants to know who to contact about having trees on the green. It was thought that the green was originally intended for children to play on, but it was obvious they had also been using the playing field behind the Hall as the grass had been worn down. It was suggested that goal posts on the field would be a good idea and encourage the youngsters to get outside more, but that would need to be decided by the Village Hall Committee.

Residents are asking when the play park will be unlocked for ready for use as been locked since first lockdown. Cllr. Poll said they were waiting for the play equipment to have a safety inspection and once this had happened it should be able to be reopened.

Village Hall still closed.

15) Correspondence:

Is was agreed that the clerk should reply to the letter from Richard Hodgson regarding Moulton Park, stating that the Parish Council position has not changed.

New data base THE CIRCUIT our defibrillators are now registered on the network

16) Councillors minor reports and items for next Agenda.

The Chafer Grubs in Moulton Cemetery

The Clerks contract

M.S.E. Memorial

M.S.E. play area tubes

17) Date and Time of next meeting.

Date of next Parish Meeting will be on Tuesday 6th April 2021 at 7pm (Via Zoom)

18) To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude public, press and police.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.45pm