March 2023

Minutes of the Monthly Parish Meeting of The Moulton’s Parish Council held on Tuesday 7th March 2023 at Moulton Community Centre. 


Present: Parish Cllrs Woolf, Hahn, Benton, Ingham, Kirk, Sneath, Tibbs, Wakefield & Wright. Also interim clerk (Graham French). 


Ten members of the public and County Councillor Gibson, District Cllr Casson. 


1) Chairman’s welcome 

The Chairman Cllr Woolf welcomed everyone to the meeting and called for a minutes silence to remember the Clerk Denise Foster who had recently passed away.


The Chairman thanked everyone for the turnout at the recent litter pick.


2) Public Forum 

The matter of the proposed park in Moulton was discussed with members of the public voicing their concerns over the proposed car park. It was generally agreed by all those present that the park should be cited at the proposed location but without a car park. Cllr Kirk asked if it would be possible for him to attend the Asset panel at SHDC who were stipulating that a car park was necessary at the park.


A resident thanked the Parish Council for its efforts in objecting to the “Ski slope” development but asked for continued vigilance on the site application.


A resident in Oakwood Park voiced her concerns about youths frequenting the grass areas. She asked if it would be possible to put up signs banning ball games and also install a “Youth shelter”.


Nine members of the Public left the meeting at the end of the Public Forum.


3) Apologies for Absence 

Cllr Cooper, Henderson & Sanderson. 


 4) Declarations of interest 

The Chairman declared an interest in Moulton Park.


5) To consider the notes of the meeting held on 07/02/2023. 

A request was made to amend the minutes from “A representative of Highways” to a “representative of SHDC”. Also an amendment to the spelling of Cllr Hahn’s name.

It was then agreed by all attending Councillors that they could be signed off by the Chairman. 


6) Matters Arising 



7) Reports 







Various problems and concerns about the highway network were brought to the attention of the meeting. In particular, road signs at Moulton Seas End, a water leak in Broad Lane, and the condition of the road surface at Eaugate and Martins Road. County Cllr Gibson said he would take up these matters with LCC highways.


Cllr Sneath reported that cones had been placed on River Lane by a resident.


10) FINANCIAL       

Business Account            £91,759.58

Treasurers Account        £53,221.55 

Petty cash                                £89.90 

Total                                £145,071.03


Total Income                           £46.74

Total Expenditure             £1,053.66  


Payments to be made

R Marriott £640

Chandlers £407.88

SHDC Highway verge cutting £2198.62

T Marriott £627.71


It was agreed to give a £300.00 donation towards Moulton Coronation Celebrations


11) Planning Consultations 



12) Moulton Ward 



13) M S E Ward 

A request was made for more Dog Poo Bags.


14) Moulton Chapel Ward 

A request was made for the Parish Council to support the Tulip Parade Committee’s request for new signs.


Damage to the concrete base of the village sign was reported.


15) SID Report 

No SID data was available for the meeting but Cllr Tibbs said he would forward on the data as soon as it was available.


16) Correspondence 



17) Matters for Discussion to become Agenda items at next meeting 

Cllr Wright reported that work on the float for the flower parade was making good progress. 

Approve £300.00 donation towards Coronation Celebrations.


18) Date and time of next meeting 

Tuesday April 4th 2023 7pm at Moulton Chapel Youth and Community Centre.


19) To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude public, press and police. 

The meeting went into closed session to discuss employment matters.


Meeting Closed at 8:51pm.