December 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of The Moulton’s Parish Council held on Tuesday 3rd December 2019 at Moulton Community Centre at 7pm.
Present: Cllrs Cooper (Chairman), Henderson, Hahn, A.Woolf, Sanderson, Tibbs, Benton, W.Woolf, Kirk, Sanderson.
District Cllr Casson. And 3 members of the public.
1. Chairmans welcome.
Chairman Cllr Cooper welcomed everyone.
Public forum.
2. Apologies:
a. Apologies had been received from Cllr Wakefield. Reason given and apologies accepted by attending Cllrs.
3. Declarations of interest.
a. Cllr Benton declared an interest in a Moulton Chapel planning application.
4. Notes of the meeting held on 5th November 2019 had been circulated. Any errors found had been corrected prior to them being signed. It was resolved to accept the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the minutes.
a. None.
6. Admin.
a. It was agreed that no co-option for vacant seats take place until a Co-Option Policy is in place and other policies be reviewed. Date to be set after the holidays.
7. Cemetery, Churchyard and Allotments.
a. Cemetery. All is well.
b. Churchyard. The tree work has now been started and the contractor had noticed lead missing from the church roof, this had been reported to the vicar. The newly installed dog poo bag dispenser near the churchyard wall is proving popular and the Clerk had arranged for a photo shoot to be done with photo sent to the local press.
Discussions are in place with the probation service to have the churchyard cleared up of overgrown vegetation.
c. Allotments. All is well.
8. Police matters.
a. None to report. The local PCSO has now been moved to another area and the person taking over is Tracy Mason who also covers Holbeach area.
9. Highways Matters, SID and CSW.
a. Highways. Nothing to report.
b. SID. This is currently on Roman Bank in Moulton Chapel.
10. Finance report:
a. The finance report had been circulated. Resolved to accept these figures. Expenditure of £4994.96 and income of £1602.55
b. Budget figures had been discussed with the management group prior to the meeting.
Results of this will be produced at the next meeting.
11. Planning report:
a. Planning Applications had been circulated to each ward Cllr and comments etc had been on reported on the SHDC website.
b. The Moulton Chapel Postland planning application had been agreed as long as they stay within the application presented.
c. It was agreed by all that any larger developments within any village be sent to ALL councillors rather than the ward councillors.
12. Moulton Village Ward:
a. The new windows work is due to start in the new year in the community centre and new LED lighting to be installed in the village hall.
13. Moulton Seas End village.
a. Update from MSEVH.
  • All is well and no maintenance issues.
b. To receive an update on MSE Recreational Trust.
  • As agreed, the accounts books were made available for the general public to view.
The Football Association is due to advise on the condition of the football pitches.
14. Moulton Chapel Ward.
a. MCYCC have now got the go ahead to purchase the play equipment involving the agreed help from the Parish Council.
15. Correspondence.
Various correspondence had been included in the agenda
16. Councillors minor reports and items for the next agenda.
17. Date of the next meeting.
Date of the next Parish Council meeting will be on Tuesday 7th January at Moulton Seas End village hall. at 7pm.
18. To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude public, press and police.
General meeting closed at 7.45pm