February 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of The Moulton’s Parish Council held on Tuesday 5th February 2019 at Moulton Community Centre at 7pm.
Present: Cllrs Cooper, Benton, Hahn, Sanderson, Tibbs, Wakefield, Wright.
District Cllr Casson. 4 members of the public.
1. Chairmans welcome.
Vice Chairman Cllr Cooper welcomed everyone
Public forum.
2. Apologies:
a. Apologies had been received from Cllrs Woolf, Walters and Henderson, reasons given and accepted by all.
3. Declarations of interest.
a. None given.
4. Notes of the meeting held on 8th January 2019 had been circulated. It was resolved to accept these notes as a true copy of the minutes. Proposed by Cllr Wright and seconded by Cllr Wakefield.
5. Matters arising from the minutes.
a. Moulton Village sign...ongoing.
b. MSE play area. Standing Orders had been suspended. District Cllr Casson had been in discussion with the IDB and had been able to obtain some concrete tubes, suitable for putting in the play area and building the ‘mound’ around them. Although these had been donated, they will need power washing to the cost of £100, it was proposed by Cllr Wakefield and seconded by Cllr Wright that we have them cleaned.
Resolved to pay this price. Cllr Casson and Cllr Woolf will liaise with Jack Bucks Farms to see if they will supply the labour and also the soil. Ongoing.
The owner of the ivy hedge that has caused all the problems in the first instance, had agreed that it can be removed totally and agreed also that it can be replaced by several privet hedge trees at a cost of £75. It was proposed by Cllr Wakefield and seconded by Cllr Wright that these replacement trees be purchased. Resolved to make the purchase. Ongoing. Standing Orders resumed.
6. Cemetery, churchyard and allotments.
a. All areas are running smoothly.
7. Police matters including the CSW.
a. No Police report had been received.
b. CSW hasn’t been out due to the holidays and weather.
8. Highways matters.
a. Highways had stated that some of the venues for a new grit bin had been cancelled as it didn’t fit the criteria for a new bin.
b. Resident from Moulton Chapel had not received any correspondence regarding the Archers Survey done on Fen Gate. Clerk to chase.
c. Residents from Moulton had complained to the Clerk about speeding along the A151, there had recently been a spate of collisions. Clerk had stated that an Archers Survey had already been requested on the A151 junction with Bell Lane area. Ongoing.
9. Finance report:
a. The finance report was circulated and resolved to accept the figures given.
b. Income of £1923.84 Resolved to accept this.
c. Expenditure of £3734.34 Resolved to accept this.
10. Citizen of The Year.
a. It was resolved by all to swap the venue for the APM and Citizen of The Year awards This will now take place at MSE village hall on 26th March at 7pm.
11. Planning report:
a. Planning Applications had been circulated to each ward Cllr and comments etc had been on reported on the SHDC web portal.
12.Neighbourhood Plan.
a. It was resolved by all to remove this from the agenda.
13. Spring clean up.
a. Cllrs agreed to have a big spring clean up of each village on 23rd February. Meeting locations will be Moulton Chapel community centre, Moulton church, Moulton Seas End village hall each at 10am. The litter picking package will be distributed and a ‘lead’ Councillor for each ward decided on at the next meeting. Posters to be printed and put on notice boards also asking for help.
14. Moulton village ward.
a. MCIO update. Cllr Tibbs stated that the committee was awaiting results of the planning application submitted to SHDC regarding replacement windows.
b. Councillor vacancy. This can now be removed due to upcoming elections.
c. Shivean Gate. Standing orders had been suspended. A general discussion had taken place over the state of the road and that it had been reported to Highways. Heavy vehicles had also been using the road and the local resident who is campaigning to get something done about this, had been in contact with thelocal businesses asking if they can stop their lorries from heading along this road. There are also vehicles parked on Loop Lane and not all are owned by the residents. SHDC officer had been to inspect, and they will write to the vehicle owners accordingly. The road will be closed sometime in May, so repairs works can take place. The SHDC Pride Team had been along there and cut back overgrowth of vegetation as far as the main road. The Parish Council would like to thank Mr Clay and Mr Cooley for cutting back the overgrown trees on their land. Standing orders resumed.
15. Moulton Seas End ward.
a. Report from MSE village hall is another leak had appeared in the roof.
b. MSE Recreation Trust. The committee had been in discussions with a local football team who are keen to take over the playing field upkeep and use the football pitch. Ongoing.
c. Councillor vacancy. This will now be removed from the agenda due to forthcoming elections.
16. Moulton Chapel ward.
a. Nothing to report from MCYCC.
b. Fly-tipping had been reported.
17. Correspondence.
All correspondence had either been circulated or within the agenda.
Clerk had received notification from the Best Kept Village team, who will be writing to the Parish Council asking if they want to be included. Both Moulton Seas End and Moulton Chapel had said no, but Moulton would like to apply.
18. Councillors reports & items for inclusion at the next meeting.
19.Date of the next meeting.
Date of the next Parish Council meeting will be on Tuesday 5th March 2019 at 7pm at Moulton Chapel village school
20. To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude public, press and police.
No.Meeting ended at 8pm