October 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of The Moulton’s Parish Council held on Tuesday 1st October 2019 at Moulton Seas End village hall at 7pm.
Present: Cllrs Cooper (Chairman), Hahn, Kirk, Poll, Sanderson, Tibbs, Wakefield (vicechairman), A.Woolf, and Wright.
District Cllr Casson. And 10 members of the public. 2 from Postland Developments.
1. Chairmans welcome.
Chairman Cllr Cooper welcomed everyone.
Public forum.
Guests from Postland Developments gave an insight to their plans for the Moulton Chapel development. This proved very informative of what type of dwellings were planned.
Before the meeting formally started, Cllr Cooper, Chairman read out a passage from the Code of Conduct regards to behaviour to Colleagues and staff.
2. Apologies:
a. Apologies had been received from Cllrs Benton and Henderson reasons given. Cllr Tibbs sent apologies and reasons via email from Cllr W.Woolf. Cllr W.Woolf sent her apologies and no reasons given. All apologies accepted by attending Cllrs.
b. Resignation had been received from Cllr A.Walters. This was accepted by all. Letter to be sent to Mrs Walters thanking her for all her support to the Parish Council.
3. Declarations of interest.
a. None received.
4. Notes of the meeting held on 9th September 2019 had been circulated. It was resolved to accept these notes with all the changes as a true copy of the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the minutes.
a. Moulton Village sign...ongoing.
b. Cllr A.Woolf requested at the last meeting, an update from the MSE Field Trust. The comments to be made under item 13b on the agenda.
6. Admin.
a. It was agreed to discuss the 2020 budget on 19th November at MSE village hall.
7. Cemetery, Churchyard and Allotments.
a. Clerk explained that all is well with the Cemetery
b. In Cllr Hendersons absence, the Clerk passed his idea to Council regarding organising
a date for a big clean up of Moulton Churchyard. Cllr A.Woolf said it could be incorporated in the Spring Clean up of villages. To contact the Churchwarden to discuss further. Cllr A.Woolf also said that there was a very old sign that needs replacing. The sign says ‘no dog fouling’. Clerk will seek a replacement.
c. Allotment/Land invoices had been sent out, and some had already paid.
8. Police matters.
a. None to report.
9. Highways Matters, SID and CSW.
a. Clerk had been contacted by a resident regarding the speed limit reduction on High Road and when will this be implemented, as another accident had taken place that day. Clerk will chase up the LRSP to see when this will happen.
b. SID. Two new brackets for the SID are on order and due for delivery mid October.
Cllr Tibbs had been able to utilise the one on another post to be able to use the SID on the newly installed post in Moulton. It was proposed by Cllr Kirk and seconded by Cllr A.Woolf that we retrospectively order these brackets. It was also resolved that Cllr Kirk now be in charge of downloading the SID data. Clerk to arrange disc and manual be passed over.
c. CSW. It is difficult getting 3 trained people all together to utilise the CSW equipment, with people working full time. Clerk said that she had previously contacted those people who had been trained up, but no reply and some were not interested anymore. To seek solution to be able to use this equipment fully.
10. Finance report:
a. The finance report had been circulated. Cllr A.Woolf yet again raised the issue with the Clerks travel expenses, even though at the time of the meeting, no expenses had been claimed during September. Finance report was proposed by Cllr A.Woolf and seconded by Cllr B.Hahn, resolved by all to accept these figures.
Expenditure of £4341.02 Income of £1523.89.
11. Planning report:
a. Planning Applications had been circulated to each ward Cllr and comments etc had been on reported on the SHDC website. Standing order’s were suspended to allow open discussion regarding the following. It was also stated due to GDPR that once the comments had been made, then all paperwork related to the planning applications be deleted and Cllrs can see the outcome direct on the SHDC website.
Resumed Standing Orders.
12. Moulton Village Ward:
a. Moulton CIO no report received.
13. Moulton Seas End village.
a. Update from MSEVH.
● All is well
b. To receive an update on MSE Recreational Trust.
● There will be no football played as the pitch had been ‘condemned’ by the Football Association due to reports of asbestos, this is now being dealt with. Until the Football Association has agreed the condition of the pitch, then no football will take place.
14. Moulton Chapel Ward.
a. All ok.
15. Correspondence.
Various correspondence had been included in the agenda.
16. Councillors minor reports and items for the next agenda.
None requested.
17. Date of the next meeting.
Date of the next Parish Council meeting will be on Tuesday 5th November at Moulton Chapel village school.
18. To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude public, press and police.
General meeting closed at 8.10pm