November 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of The Moulton’s Parish Council held on Tuesday 5th November 2019 at Moulton Chapel village school at 7pm.
Present: Cllrs Wakefield (vice Chairman presiding over the meeting) Benton, Hahn, Henderson, Poll, Sanderson, Tibbs, and Wright.
District Cllr Casson. And 7 members of the public.
1. Chairmans welcome.
Vice Chairman Cllr Wakefield welcomed everyone.
Public forum.
2. Apologies:
a. Apologies had been received from Cllrs Cooper, Kirk, A.Woolf and W.Woolf.
Reason given and apologies accepted by attending Cllrs.
3. Declarations of interest.
a. Cllr Poll declared an interest in item 14b as he is a committee member. Cllr Wakefield declared and interest as being the ward Councillor.
4. Notes of the meeting held on 1st October 2019 had been circulated.
5. Matters arising from the minutes.
a. None.
6. Admin.
a. The Poppy Appeal wreath has been ordered.
b. Casual vacancy. This has been defered to a later date.
c. The pubic forum raised the ‘dog poo bag dispensers’, these have now been erected within each village. M=churchyard bin. MSE=entrance to playing field. MC=engine bank. Question was raised as to who fills the dispenser, it’s now part of the Clerks duties whilst doing the weekly visits.
7. Cemetery, Churchyard and Allotments.
a. Clerk explained that all is well with the Cemetery, Churchyard and Allotments.
Although tree work is due to start in Moulton Cemetery soon.
8. Police matters.
a. None to report.
9. Highways Matters, SID and CSW.
a. Roadwork details had been received for MSE. Cllr Benton had reported to Highways there was a considerable amount of mud on the roads in Moulton Chapel.
b. SID. The new brackets have now been erected. Cllr Tibbs had taken the SID data disc etc to pass on to Cllr Kirk who will now deal with the SID.
c. CSW. Cllr Wright stated that there were 4 new volunteers for the CSW and had passed to the Clerk their email details. Clerk will contact Dave Mitchell at LRSP to deal with Cllr Wright direct.
10. Finance report:
a. The finance report had been circulated. Proposed by Cllr Tibbs and seconded by Cllr Henderson that these be accepted. Resolved to accept these figures. Expenditure of £7314.66 and income of £1090.50
11. Planning report:
a. Planning Applications had been circulated to each ward Cllr and comments etc had been on reported on the SHDC website.
12. Moulton Village Ward:
a. Moulton CIO representative had reported that the committee had received a National Lottery grant towards the replacement/repairs of the windows. Also plans are ahead to change the internal lights to LED
13. Moulton Seas End village.
a. Update from MSEVH.
  • All is well and no maintenance issues.
b. To receive an update on MSE Recreational Trust.
  • Standing orders were suspended to allow a member of the public to read out the latest update and the committees plans for the future useage of the playing field. SO’s resumed.
14. Moulton Chapel Ward.
a. MCYCC committee has approached the Parish Council to ask if it would be possible for them to get involved with the purchasing of the play equipment, to enable the vat to be repaid direct to the Parish Council. It was put to every Councillor the details and a vote had taken place. It was unanimous that the Parish Council help with this. Clerk to liaise with the committee regarding the paperwork etc. Clerk will update Council accordingly.
b. Cllrs reported that there were two lights out in the village. This will be reported.
15. Correspondence.
Various correspondence had been included in the agenda. MCIO had written to ask of help regarding the VE Day event for 8th May 2020. It was agreed to defer this to neared to time to discuss in greater detail. Clerk to agenda this when required.
16. Councillors minor reports and items for the next agenda.
None requested.
17. Date of the next meeting.
Date of the next Parish Council meeting will be on Tuesday 3rd December at Moulton Chapel Centre at 7pm.
18. To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude public, press and police.
General meeting closed at 7.45pm