March 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of The Moulton’s Parish Council held on Tuesday 5th March 2019 at Moulton Community Centre at 7pm.
Present: Cllrs Woolf (Chairman) Cooper, Benton, Hahn, Sanderson, Tibbs, Wakefield, Walters and Wright.
District Cllr Casson. 1 press.
1. Chairmans welcome.
Chairman Cllr Woolf welcomed everyone
Public forum.
2. Apologies:
a. Apologies had been received from Cllrs Poll and Henderson, reasons given and accepted by all.
3. Declarations of interest.
a. Declarations of interest had been received by Cllr Woolf relating to correspondence from Phil Mileham. Details of which are documented.
4. Notes of the meeting held on 5th February 2019 had been circulated. It was resolved to accept these notes as a true copy of the minutes. Proposed by Cllr Hahn and seconded by Cllr Wakefield.
5. Matters arising from the minutes.
a. Moulton Village sign. Price had been obtained at £500 for a metal one, but Cllrs requested a deign picture first before deciding.
b. MSE play area. Clerk was having difficulty to find someone who can weld the broken piece of play equipment. Suggestions had been offered. Clerk to make contact.
c. Archers survey on the A151 had now been completed, but report has yet to be analysed and sent out.
6. Cemetery, churchyard and allotments.
a. All areas are running smoothly.
6. Police matters including the CSW.
a. No Police report had been received.
b. CSW team are due out this week.
7. Highways matters.
a. Nothing to report.
8. Finance report:
a. The finance report was circulated and resolved to accept the figures given.
b. Income of £ Resolved to accept this.
c. Expenditure of £ Resolved to accept this.
10. Citizen of The Year.
a. Refreshments for the event had been discussed and a name put forward.
11. Planning report: Cllr Cooper presided over this agenda item.
a. Planning Applications had been circulated to each ward Cllr and comments etc had been on reported on the SHDC web portal.
b. Clerk had received correspondence from Phil Mileham of SHDC with a questionnaire regarding open space..
12. Parish Spring Clean Up.
a. The spring clean up was well attended in each village and a total of some 40 plus bags had been filled. The Parish Council would like to thank everyone who attended to help.
This will now become an annual event with 2020 date being 29th February.
13. Moulton village ward.
a. Moulton Community Centre had made a planning application to SHDC regarding the replacement of windows etc. The planning application had been received by the Parish Council and was well supported.
b. Several complaints had been received regarding dog fouling, DC Casson had offered to supply some stickers for lamp posts, in the hopes that this will remind people to pick up their dogs poo.
c. Cllr Walters had been contacted by a resident asking for a pedestrian crossing be installed in Broad Lane. It was suggested that the Clerk contact Highways dept.
15. Moulton Seas End ward.
a. Report from MSE village hall is the hot water and heating system is now fully working.
b. MSE Recreation Trust. Paperwork is now being processed for the show in July.
16. Moulton Chapel ward.
a. Nothing to report from MCYCC.
17. Correspondence.
Election correspondence had been received and information had been passed to all Councillors.
18. Councillors reports & items for inclusion at the next meeting.
19.Date of the next meeting.
Date of the next Parish Council meeting will be on Tuesday 7th May 2019 at 7pm at Moulton Community Centre.
20. To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude public, press and police.
Meeting ended at 8.30pm