November 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of The Moulton’s Parish Council held on Tuesday 3rd November 2020 via Zoom.

Present: Cllrs Wakefield (Chairman), Hahn, Poll, Tibbs, Cooper, Henderson, Benton, Kirk, clerk.

District Cllr Casson. 1 member of the press.

1)Chairman’s Welcome

The Chairman welcomed everyone

2) Public Forum:

There were no questions.

3) Apologies for Absence

Cllrs W. Woolf, A. Woolf, Wright, Sanderson.

4) Declarations of interest

None received

5) To Consider Notes of meeting held 08/09/20:

It was agreed by all of the attending councillors that they could be signed off by the Chairman.

6) To Consider any matters arising from the minutes that are not covered by the Agenda.


7) Cemetery, Church Yard and Allotments:

A. Cemetery.

With reference to the infestation of chafer grubs, and the crows digging the grass up to get them, it was decided by all that due to the time of year and cost of treatment, we would keep this item on the Agenda and monitor the situation over winter and if the crows start again in the Spring, then the appropriate action would be taken.

The Clerk had sent a letter to 22 Bell lane with reference to the overhanging tree obstructing vision from exit from the cemetery. They had replied requesting someone visit them. Cllr. Hahn said he would go and report back to the clerk.

There had been two interments.

B. Churchyard

Marcus Goose, had completed the work on the horse chestnut tree hanging over into the garden of The Manor House, 1 Bell Lane and done a general tidy up whilst he was there.

C. Allotments.

All September payments have been received in full.

8) Police Matters:

none to report

9) Highway Matters:

Fix my Street- ref no. 377257 is now scheduled for action.

Cllr Tibbs said the SID was now placed in Moulton Chapel for a few weeks.

10) Finance Report:

A credit of £252 had been received from Virgin Media for overpayment of mobile phone

Treasurers Account at 28/10/2020 - £40,557.33

Business Account at 28/10/2020 - £91,611.32

The clerk had been to the bank to asked about on line banking

11) Planning Matters:

Four applications had been approved by SHDC.

12) Moulton Village Ward:

Residents had asked if the old phone box could be used as a book exchange /library. As the council do not own it as it was adopted by the Community Heartbeat Trust it was decided the public should be referred to them to discuss the matter. The possibility of the Council trying to buy it from the Trust was declined by the majority as it is a Listed Monument and they thought the upkeep could be expensive.

There had been a successful litter pick on Saturday 24th October.

The village Hall is still closed.

13)Moulton Seas End Ward:

There had been a successful litter pick on Saturday 24th October.

Village Hall is still closed.

Craig Pocklington had previously asked if the Parish Council, would like to take back the responsibility and ownership of the War Memorial and adjacent remembrance area. As more information was still needed, It was asked this be included into the next Agenda.

The play area is missing a mound and tubing. Cllr. Wakefield was going to chase this up and report back at the next meeting.

Due to the new Covid-19 restrictions (lockdown) there will be no remembrance service this year.

14)Moulton Chapel Ward:

There had been a successful litter pick on Saturday 24th October.

Village Hall still closed.

15) Correspondence:

None received

16) Councillors minor reports and items for next Agenda.

M.S.E. Memorial.
M.S.E. play area tubes.

Discuss figures and budgets

17) Date and Time of next meeting.

Date of next Parish Meeting will be on Tuesday 1st December 2020 at 7pm (Via Zoom)

18) To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude public, press and police.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 7.55pm