March 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of The Moulton’s Parish Council held on Tuesday 3rd March 2020 at Moulton Community Centre at 7pm.
Present: Cllrs Wakefield(Vice-Chairman), Henderson, Hahn, Sanderson, Tibbs, Benton, Kirk, Poll, A.Woolf, W.Woolf and Wright
District Cllr Casson, 5 members of the public and 1 press.
1. Chairmans welcome.
Vice- Chairman Cllr Wakefield welcomed everyone.
Public forum.
2. Apologies:
a. Apologies had been received from Cllr Cooper. Reason given and apologies accepted by attending Cllrs.
3. Declarations of interest.
a. None received.
4. Notes of the meeting held on 4th February 2020 had been circulated. It was resolved to accept the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the minutes.
a. Litter Pick. This was well attended yet again.
6. Admin.
a. BKV. Clerk had received notification that there sadly was no more funding for the Best Kept Village competition. Hopefully, if funding can be found, then this may resume in the future.
b. Moulton Churchyard. Works have started clearing up the churchyard by the Probation Service clients, this will continue every Saturday until completed.
c. It was resolved that the Clerk can spend up to £50 for a new office printer.
7. Cemetery, Churchyard and Allotments.
a. Cemetery. All is well.
b. Churchyard. As per 6b.
c. Allotments. Invoices due to be sent out.
8. Police matters.
a. None to report.
9. Highways Matters, SID and CSW.
a. Highways. Nothing to report.
b. SID. This was located on Station Road between 9th Feb and 23rd Feb. 9000 vehicles had been recorded with a Max of 75mph logged. Average speed is 34 mph.
c. CSW update. 6 new locations have been agreed in both Moulton and MSE. No teams have yet been out due to lack of volunteers.
10. Finance report:
a. The finance report had been circulated. Resolved to accept these figures.
11. Planning report:
a. Planning Applications had been circulated to each ward Cllr and comments etc had been on reported on the SHDC website. Cllrs were reminded that they are reporting on the planning application of the building only, but if required just to pass comments on anything they feel needs raising.
12. Moulton Village Ward:
a. Standing Orders had been suspended to allow a member of the public to discuss events being held at the community centre. i.e. VE Day celebrations being held on the village green. Standing Orders resumed.
b. Village matters. As per 12a.
13. Moulton Seas End village.
a. Update from MSE village hall. Regular events still being held.
b. MSE Recreation Trust. Waiting for the grass to dry before being cut.
c. Village matters. Verges are bad due to the mud on the road and rain, Cllr A.Woolf requested the road sweeper to attend. Serious accidents will occur if the roads are not swept regularly.
14. Moulton Chapel Ward.
a. MCYCC are due to have the installation of the new play equipment completed and all Councillors are invited to the official opening.
b. Village update. The petrol station/garage will be closing at the end of March.
15. Correspondence.
Various correspondence had been included in the agenda and a letter of thanks had been received from Moulton Chapel Village School for the donation made for the Lego Competition the children had taken part in.
16. Councillors minor reports and items for the next agenda.
a. Cllr Kirk said that the Moulton sign is almost finished.
b. Cllr Henderson requested more signs purchased for display regarding dog poo picking up to dog owners.
17. Date of the next meeting.
Date of the next Parish Council meeting will be on Tuesday 7th April Annual Parish Council Meeting at Moulton Chapel Village School and Tuesday 14th April the Annual Parish Meeting at MSE village hall.
18. To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude public, press and police.
General meeting closed at 8pm