October 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of The Moulton’s Parish Council held on Tuesday 13th October 2020 via Zoom.

Present: Cllrs Wakefield (Chairman), Hahn, A. Woolf, Poll, Wright, Cooper, Henderson, Benton, Sanderson, clerk.

District Cllr Casson. 1 member of the press.

1)Chairman’s Welcome

The Chairman welcomed everyone

2) Public Forum:

There were no questions.

3) Apologies for absence:

Cllrs Tibbs & Kirk were working. Cllr W. Woolf was ill.

4) Declarations of interest

None received

5) To Consider Notes of meeting held 08/09/20:

It was agreed by all that once the names of the attending councillors were added they could be signed off by the Chairman.

6) To Consider any matters arising from the minutes that are not covered by the Agenda.

Cllr Poll has sent a response to SHDC with reference to the Planning Application that impacts the War Memorial

A 3 year insurance plan has been paid as agreed at the September meeting saving £100.

The clerk has saved £9 per month on the Virgin telephone bill, by going to paperless billing and having a £5 fee removed as we have been paying via bacs since 2017. We are waiting to hear about any refund that is due from the over payment.

7) Cemetery, Church Yard and Allotments:

A. Cemetery.

There has been an infestation of chafer grubs, and the crows have been digging the grass up to get them. As some members of the public had been complaining about the state of it, Cllr Woolf asked for volunteers to help him clear the area 29/09/20. Since then the Marriott Bros. have raked and rolled the area, making it look much better. The clerk was asked to get a price / quote for the chemicals needed to irradicate them and information on use as may need to close the cemetery to the public.

Mrs. Lowe had put in a request to have a tree in the cemetery in memory of her mother, but it was declined as they are not allowed, but Cllr Woolf suggested a bench instead. The clerk was asked to explain the decision.

Melanie Vickovic asked what the policy is for placing items on graves, as items from the grave to the left, were encroaching on her mother’s grave. The clerk was asked to contact the owner of the grave and send a letter explaining the situation.

Cllr Hahn, mentioned that when leaving the cemetry the view to the right is partially obstructed by overgrown trees/bushes in the garden of 22 Bell Lane. The clerk was asked to send a letter to them asking if they could be trimmed.

Cllr Hahn asked if the Marriott Bros could dig out a clump of Fungi that is growing in front of the first row of Remembrance graves.

There had been 5 interments.

B. Churchyard.

Cllr Wakefield, the Clerk and Marcus Goose, had a meeting in the churchyard to discuss the horse chestnut tree hanging over into the garden of The Manor House, 1 Bell Lane. Diane Fairchild, the tree officer had already seen it and said it shouldn’t be left as it was. It was agreed that Marcus should trim the tree. He had already quoted £450 to complete the work. There will be more work needed to other trees, but it was decided to put this work out to tender. Cllr Woolf also said he would try and get an update on the Community Payback team, who had been clearing the church yard before the start of covid1, as they were F.O.C.

C. Allotments.

The new clerk had sent out introduction letters to the tenants and also the September invoices as the payments that are now due.

8) Police Matters:

none to report

9) Highway Matters:

Fix my Street- ref no.377257 for the reporting of flooding on the north end of Engine Bank, as requested as September meeting.

Cllr Tibbs sent an update on the SID. Highest speed recorded was 90mph entering the village 10/09/20. Whilst 60mph was recorded leaving the village 21/09/20. Both speeds were on the Station Road site. It will now be placed in Moulton Chapel for a few weeks.

10) Finance Report:

Treasurers Account at 25/09/2020 - £43,903.93

Business Account at 9/09/2020 - £91,615.28

The clerk asked about on line banking and Cllr Cooper said he should be able to find out the information needed.

Cllr Poll suggested that the clerk should also be a signatory and everyone agreed.

11) Planning Matters:

Five applications had been approved by SHDC.

12) Moulton Village Ward:

The village Hall is still closed. The future is unknown.

13)Moulton Seas End Ward:

Village Hall is still closed. Cllr Cooper pointed out the Remembrance wreath needed ordering, so asked the clerk, to arrange it.

Craig Pocklington has asked if the Parish Council, would like to take back the responsibility and ownership of the War Memorial and adjacent remembrance area. He included the Land Registry Title. Cllr. Cooper believed we already had the deeds for it. The Chairman said we needed to find out more as deeds would over ride the land Registry. It was asked this be included into the next Agenda.

The play area is missing a mound and tubing. Cllr. Woolf said we already have the tubes, but it was dependant on time available and he would report back at next meeting if we will go ahead and do it or not.

14)Moulton Chapel Ward:

Village Hall still closed.

Western Power have generators in the village.

15) Correspondence:

Jo-Ann Tointon put in a request to reduce the speed limit on Austendyke Road Weston Hills (PE12 6BZ) Cllr. Poll said We are already working with Weston Parish Council as it has been a longstanding ambition and it is in the pipe line.

David Martindale had requested an update regarding the reduction of the speed limit on the A151. It has gone through the LCC Committee with recommendation to go onto the consultation stage to reduce it to 40mph.

The Village voice has updated the new Clerks details. The clerk was asked to include copy for forwarding future correspondence to the clerk’s address and an update about the grass in the cemetery.

L.A.L.C. wanted to know if the Covid19 Community Support was still active. It isn’t but the Street Ambassadors are still working.

16) Litter Pick

Cllr. Woolf thought we should go ahead, and set the date for Saturday 24th October at 10am before the clocks change. The groups would meet at Moulton Church, Moulton Seas End Victory Hall and Moulton Chapel Community Centre. It is expected to last for 2 hours. Cllr. Woolf will provide sanitizer and Hi Viz for the pickers. It was hoped the L.F.P. would promote it for us and include photographs afterwards.

17) Councillors minor reports and items for next Agenda.

M.S.E. Memorial.
M.S.E. play area tubes.

Discuss figures and budgets

18) Date and Time of next meeting.

Date of next Parish Meeting will be on Tuesday 3rd November 2020 at 7pm (Via Zoom)

19) To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude public, press and police.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.20pm