September 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of The Moulton’s Parish Council held on Tuesday 8th September 2020 via Microsoft Team.

Present: Cllrs wakefield, Hahn, A.Woolf, W.Woolf, Poll, Wright, Tibbs, Kirk, Cooper, Henderson, Benton, Sanderson.

District Cllr Casson, 2 members of the public. 1 member of the press.

1) Chairmans Welcome:

Acting Chairman welcomed everyone

2) Public Forum:

Mr Eric Parker was asking why he had not had a reply about a video recording made of the last meeting by the previous clerk. No one knew anything about the request.

Cllr. Hahn said there was no recording, as the previous clerk had deleted it, and due to data protection, she should not have recorded it in the first place.

The complaint was with the actions of the previous clerk and not the council, so there was no benefit to continue with discussion and everyone agreed and apologised on the previous clerk’s behalf to Mr Parker.

There were no other questions.

3) Apologies for absence:

None had been received.

4) Declarations of interest

None received

5)New Chairman & Vice Chairman Elected:

A: Laurence Wakefield was nominated as Chairman and elected unopposed.

B: Andrew Woolf was nominated as Vice Chairman and elected unopposed.

6) To Consider Notes of meeting held 22/06/20:

There was no copy of minutes from July 14th Meeting. Cllr. Poll had not received them until today.

Cllr. Kirk said it would just be easier to accept them. Cllr. Hahn agreed and asked if everyone else was happy to accept and the answer was yes.

It was agreed that 21st September 2020 would be the start date for the new Parish Clerk Denise


7) Cemetery, Church Yard and Allotments:

A. Cemetery. Bob Marriott had been in hospital for 8 days and his brother Terry had injured his knee but they are both back in action again now and by next week will have everything back to normal and in good order. Terry normally digs the graves but had been unable to.

Cllr. Woolf said it was looking a lot tidier, but all down the left hand side and the ashes area still needed some work. He was also concerned why the council heard of any problem second hand from social media, but it was thought that as the previous clerk had already left, the Marriott brothers had no point of contact.

There is to be one internment on Friday 11th September 2020, and two more are booked in.

UP to date list of charges and cemetery records need to be checked.

B. Churchyard. All ok.

C. Allotments. All ok.

8) Police Matters:

None to report

9) Highway Matters:

Two roads had been closed but all ok again now.

It was stated that the North end of Engine Bank kept flooding after any rain fall. It was requested that the Clerk, report this to the Highways Dept. and report back on it at the next Council Meeting.

10) Finance Report:

A. Business and Treasury Bank Statements were available dated 28/08/2020.

B. No cheque book was present, no cash had been spent but there was a Virgin telephone bill to be paid and the charges needed to be looked at. The clerk will update us on this at the next meeting.

C. The changing of the signatories was approved, due to the election of the new Chairman, Vice Chairman and the appointment of a new Clerk.

11) Planning Matters:

Three applications had been approved by SHDC.

12) Moulton Village Ward:

The village Hall will hopefully be re-open in November dependent on the Covid situation. Lot’s of groups have already called it a day. The future is unknown.

All 3 Villages were looking to set a date for the Autumn Litter Pick, but as Covid cases are rising again, it was suggested it was put on next months Agenda to make a final decision whether it will go ahead or not.

13)Moulton Seas End Ward:

Village Hall is still closed and may not be open for November as too many hoops needed to jump through. The playing field is ok and every Tuesday about 20 people are back playing football with a few supporters, so it is getting used.

14)Moulton Chapel Ward:

Village Hall not opening. Kids got into the playing field and using equipment, not a big issue but being sorted. Codes are being changed on the Defibrillators and they have been checked.

15) Correspondence:

Insurance renewal, offer of a 3 year agreement saving £100, was accepted and agreed the new clerk will deal with it after the 21st.

16) Councillors minor reports and items for next Agenda.

Decide on Autumn litter Pick. Update New Parish Clerks details in Village Voice.

17) Date and Time of next meeting.

Date of next Parish Meeting will be on Tuesday 13th October 2020 at 7pm ( to give the new Clerk time to send out Agendas) then go back to the first Tuesday of the Month.

18) To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude public, press and police.


Everyone thanked Cllr. Poll for all he had done whilst he has been filling in during the absence of a Parish Clerk.

General Meeting Closed at 8.30pm