South Holland Parish Voluntary Car Service is a charity supported by many of the parishes in South Holland. The objective of the scheme is to provide low cost subsidised transport to people in need via the use of private cars driven by volunteers who have been vetted by Lincolnshire County Council.

There are currently 58 volunteer drivers in the district who provide friendly and reliable door to door travel for all ages and disabilities within the community. There are no waiting charges for those using the service, an option for  both male and female drivers, flexible service for all appointments for hospitals, medical centres, dentists, chiropodist and shopping (if drivers are available). The minimum journey cost is £4.

Drivers receive 45p per mile which comprises 35p collected from the passenger and 10p from the charity funds. The scheme is always needing more drivers and would encourage anyone with some spare time on their hands to consider becoming a volunteer. You can contact either Mrs Pat Preston (details below) or Mr Greg Greene on 01775 630144.

The co-ordinator for the parish of Moulton which includes Moulton Eaugate, Moulton Chapel, Moulton, Moulton Seas End and Moulton Marsh is: Mrs Pat Preston on 01775 719290.