Bonkers the Clown

Official Opening of new Play Area - Summer 2014

The Parish Council are delighted to announce their success with a grant application of £35,000.00 from WREN. WREN is a not for profit business which awards grants to community, environmental and heritage projects across the UK from funds donated by FCC Environment to the Landfill Communities Fund.

The parish council has installed a new play area in Moulton Seas End. The project has cost almost £50,000 and will comprise a variety of multi play units, swings, springers, rockers, roundabouts and trails. These are suitable for all ages and abilities. There are also picnic tables for children and parents.

The parish council are very grateful and indebted to the many businesses and individuals who have pledged financial support to help with the match funding towards the project. Thanks also to Tracy Andrew for her endless time and effort given to the application. A full list of supporters is displayed within the play area.

The parish council ask that parents, grandparents, friends and family all enjoy the facilities on offer but ensure young children are supervised at all times.

For further information on WREN visit

For further information on FCC Environment visit

For further information on Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) visit or see HMRC's general guide to Landfill Tax