An Ordinary meeting of The Moulton’s Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 3rd September 2024 at 7pm at Moulton Chapel Community Centre.


1)  Chairman’s Welcome.

2) Public Forum. This will last for a maximum of 15 minutes and the Parish Council meeting will commence at 7.15pm.  

3) Apologies for absence

4) Declarations of interest. To receive any further declarations, in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.

5) To receive application(s) for councillor vacancies.

6) To consider the notes of the meeting held on 02/07/2024.

7) To consider any matters arising from the minutes that are not covered by the agenda.

8) Reports. To consider any matters relevant to the Cemetery. Churchyard and Allotments.

9) Police Matters

10) Highways Matters

11) Financial Matters     

12) Planning Matters

13) Moulton Village Ward

 Moulton Park plans

Electric on the village green   

14) Moulton Seas End Ward

15) Moulton Chapel Ward

Speeding Fengate

16) SID Report

17) Correspondence

Autumn litter pick

18) Items asked to be included on Agenda during last Meeting.

19) Councillors’ reports and items for inclusion on the next Agenda.                   

Councillors are reminded that this item is for reporting matters not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for inclusion on future agendas.

20) To confirm date and time of the next Parish Council Meeting.

21) If necessary, to consider passing a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, to exclude the press and public from the meeting in order to discuss any items of business that may involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of that Act as amended by the Local Government Access to Information(Variation) Order 2006.


Minutes of the Monthly Parish Meeting of The Moulton’s Parish Council held on Tuesday 3rd September 2024 at Moulton Chapel Community Centre


Present: Cllr Sneath, Cooper, Tibbs, Hahn, Henderson, Sanderson, Wright, Woolf, Ingham, and Parish Clerk.

Dist. Cllr Casson and five members of the public.

1) Chairman’s welcome 

Cllr Sneath (Vice Chair) as Chairman not in attendance, welcomed everyone to the September meeting.


2) Public Forum 

A resident raised concerns about the safety of Bell Lane and children crossing into the park. The visibility and lack of signage. This was discussed later in the meeting.

Cllr Sanderson raised concerns about the speeding and amount of traffic down Fengate, Moulton Chapel.  Notes were read out from a survey from the past three weeks. Clerk to forward onto Highways.

A MSE resident asked for funding towards spraying and labour costs for the MSE Village Hall car park. Resident was informed that it would be a Village Hall committee issue and they themselves would need to approach the Parish Council.

A resident asked if the grass could be cut at the rear of the MSE memorial again and in the future. Cllr Wright offered to take on the role.


3) Apologies for Absence 

Cllr Wakefield and Kirk


 4) Declarations of interest 

Cllr Sneath and Woolf declared they are District Councillors (Moulton Park).  

Cllr Wright, Cooper, and Cllr Sneath (Village Hall, MSE)

Cllr Tibbs (MCA)


5) To receive application(s) for councillor vacancies.

Application received by Mr Nigel Henderson, agreed to co-opt Mr Nigel Henderson.


6) To consider the notes of the meeting held on 02/07/24

Proposed Cllr Woolf, seconded Cllr Cooper, all agreed.


7) Matters Arising 


8) Reports 


Yearly subscription agreed with the mole catcher at £550 total. Proposed Cllr Hahn and seconded Cllr Tibbs, all agreed.

Letterbox has arrived and Holbeach Memorials has kindly agreed to donate a plaque to go under the box to explain the purpose. Letters will be shredded and made into compost when emptied on a regular basis.



Kime – ashes

Stratton – burial

Hitchins – burial

Cox – burial

Peel – ashes

Anthony – ashes



The Green Group now have two areas to maintain themselves as agreed at the meeting at the Church in August.



Clerk will post out invoices this week.





TTRO/TTR008376 – temp. traffic restriction Moulton – road closure order West Cob Gate – 09/09/2024 - 09/09/2024 – Anglian Water

TTRO/TTR008421 – temp. traffic restriction Moulton Eaugate – road closure order Eaugate Road – 30/07/2024 – 03/08/2024 – National Grid

TTRO/TTR008585 – temp. traffic restriction Moulton seas End – road closure order Roman Bank – 16/09/2024 – 20/09/2024 - LCC



Business Account        £93,269.80

Treasurer’s Account    £75,505.78

Petty Cash                     £0.00

Total                              £168,775.58


Income                           £2272.16 (August)       £816.14 (Sept)

Expenditure                  £1997.13 (August)       £5633.30 (Sept)


Payments to be made

Marriott            £1117.41 also £1057.23 (July invoice already paid).

Sneaths             £2580.00

JRB  (dog bags)  £178.74

Mole specialist £430.00

ROSPA               £127.20


Proposed Cllr Cooper, seconded Cllr Ingham, all agreed.


12)Planning Consultation

H13-0666-24 – Tawny Homes – Crown Hall farm, Moulton Eaugate - Conversion of part of office/store into self-contained annexe and alterations/upgrades to remainder of building – approved

H13-0507-24 – BLM Builders – Rear of War Memorial, Moulton Seas End - Residential Development - 2 Dwellings - Outline Approval H13-0651-20 – reserved matters

H13-0524-24 Florinee homes – 29 Pipwell gate, Moulton Seas End - Amendment 1 - Foul Water Drainage Details Amended to show Septic Tank, as existing. Application forms corrected to demonstrate that property is not linked to Mains Sewer – amendment

 H13-0725-24 – Peloton Produce Ltd – Peloton Produce West Cob Gate - New open fronted building for forklift storage and a new building for storage of packaging materials - full

Decided Applications

H13-0579-24 – Moulton Harrox Sports and Social Society – Moulton Playing Field – TPO works - approved

H13-0281-24 – RK Wilson Builders – Rear of Cassini Lodge, Moulton Seas End – erection of 7 dwellings – full – approved

H13-0631-24 – Mr D Wilson – 105 Eaugate Road, Moulton Eaugate – details of archaeological investigation – condition compliance – approved

H13-0446-24 – Woodola Group Ltd. – 24 Broad Lane, Moulton – proposed two storey extension – full – approved

H13-0477-24 – Mr H Clark – Crown Hall farm, Moulton Eaugate – upgrade outbuilding – s192 Lawful use cert. – refused

H13-0511-24 – Allison Homes East – Land North of Roman Road, Moulton Chapel – details of construction management – condition compliance – approved

H13-0378-24 – Miss L Jordan – 25 Lowther Avenue, Moulton – erection of fence – full – approved

H13-0434-24 – Tawny Homes – 3 Shivean Gate, Moulton – details of footway – condition compliance – refused

H13-0591-24 – Mr M Simpson – 92 Roman Road, Moulton Chapel – erection of summer house – full – rejected

H13-0479-20 – Postland Developments Ltd. – Land South of Roman Road, Moulton Chapel – Modification 106 - approved


13) Moulton Ward

The use of social media discussed for the PC. Agreed for the Clerk to trial a Facebook page.

Agreed the Clerk to purchase some signs for Bell Lane up to a value of £200 as a temporary measure until permanent signs agreed with Highways. Proposed Cllr wright and seconded Cllr Cooper.

Play area plans discussed. Proposed by Cllr Woolf, seconded Cllr Wright to instruct an architect up to £1000. All agreed.

Electricity to the village green discussed including change of position. Insurance quote needed for the next meeting before anything else can be decided.


14) M S E Ward


15) Moulton Chapel

Cllr Sneath proposed to obtain quote for advisory speed limit banners for Fengate, Moulton Chapel.


16) SID Report 

Average speed of 34.5mph Station Road, Moulton. Now sited at Fengate, Moulton Chapel.


17) Correspondence 

Village Voice 5th September

Clerk received an email from a resident in regards to the Allison Homes site.

Autumn litter pick Saturday 5th October 10am start. Clerk to purchase new hoops and pickers.

Agreed to plant a tree and memorial plaque in the cemetery in memory of Mr Keith Bingham who sadly passed away. Cllrs thankful of his voluntary grass cutting over many years.


18) Matters for Discussion to become Agenda items at next meeting.

Moulton play area

Village green electric

Speed banners


19) Councillors’ reports and items for inclusion on the next Agenda.


20) Date and time of next meeting 

Tuesday 1st October 2024, 7pm Moulton Seas End Village Hall


21) If necessary, to consider passing a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, to exclude the press and public from the meeting in order to discuss any items of business that may involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of that Act as amended by the Local Government Access to Information(Variation) Order 2006.


 Meeting Closed at 9pm