An Ordinary meeting of The Moulton’s Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 3rd October 2023 at 7pm at Moulton Community Centre.
1. Chairman’s Welcome.
2. Public Forum. This will last for a maximum of 15 minutes and the Parish Council meeting will commence at 7.15pm.
3. Apologies for absence
4. Declarations of interest. To receive any further declarations, in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
5. To consider the notes of the meeting held on 05/09/2023 and 14/09/2023.
6, To consider any matters arising from the minutes that are not covered by the agenda.
7. Reports. To consider any matters relevant to the Cemetery. Churchyard and Allotments.
Cemetery roadway update on funding.
8. Police Matters
9. Highways Matter
10. Financial Matters
11. Planning Matter
12. Moulton Village Ward
Play area
13. Moulton Seas End Ward
Purchase of a new swing.
14. Moulton Chapel Ward
15. SID Report
16. Correspondence
17. Items asked to be included on Agenda during last Meeting.
18. Councillors’ reports and items for inclusion on the next Agenda.
Councillors are reminded that this item is for reporting matters not included elsewhere on the Agenda and to raise items for inclusion on future Agendas.
19. To confirm date and time of the next Parish Council Meeting.
20. If necessary, to consider passing a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, to exclude the press and public from the meeting in order to discuss any items of business that may involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of that Act as amended by the Local Government Access to Information(Variation) Order 2006.
Minutes of the Monthly Parish Meeting of The Moulton’s Parish Council held on Tuesday 3rd October 2023 at Moulton Community Centre.
Present: Parish Cllrs Cooper (Chair), Wakefield (Vice), Sanderson, Hahn, Ingham, Sneath, Tibbs, Kirk, Henderson, and Wright along with Parish Clerk.
1) Chairman’s welcome
The Chairman Cllr Cooper welcomed everyone to the meeting
2) Public Forum
3) Apologies for Absence
Dist. Cllr Casson and Woolf.
4) Declarations of interest
Cllr Sneath declared he is a district councillor and Cllr Kirk re Moulton Park.
5) To consider the notes of the meeting held on 05/09/2023 and 14/092023
Cllr Sneath proposed, seconded Cllr Wright.
All agreed and signed by the Chair.
6) Matters Arising
7) Reports
Funding for the roadway is looking likely but sadly the contractor no longer does tarmacking. A new quote is being sourced. Cllr Kirk will forward measurements to other contractors.
James Harrison – ashes
The Clerk has had nice feedback on the work the probation service has been doing. Cllr Sneath asked if cycling was allowed through the churchyard. It was agreed it was a public footpath, therefore not allowed. All agreed for two signs to be purchased (no cycling), if there are not currently any there.
Invoices have been sent out and payments have been coming in.
8) Police
A Teams online meeting for our local Parish Councils has been advertised with the Crime Commissioner being in attendance if anyone would like to attend? (one recommended). 22nd October. Cllr Wright agreed to be present and attend.
9) Highways
Email received from Highways about the new proposed 30mph extension in Fengate, Moulton Chapel. No objections were submitted from the Parish Council.
10) Financial
Business Account £92,348.31
Treasurer’s Account £77,062.43
Petty Cash £0.00
Total £169,410.74
Income £1300.01
Expenditure £5150.99
Payments to be made
Marriott £1012.92
PKF accountant £378.00
JRB (dog bags) £144.90
T N Sneath £1482.00
Moulton Hall hire £17.25
Insurance (Gallagher) £2012.24
Proposed Cllr kirk
Seconded Cllr Henderson
11) Planning Consultations
H13-0860-23 - Peloton Produce – West Cob Gate - full - Change of use of agricultural land to commercial including coldstore extension
H13-0834-23 – Mr P Roberts – rear of 184 High Road, Moulton – full erection of a 4 bed bungalow
H13-0709-23 – Allison Homes – Land North of Roman Road, Moulton Chapel – condition compliance - Details of external materials, landscaping, boundary treatments & screening, existing & proposed site levels & floor levels, construction management, contamination & pollution, storage & disposal of refuse & recycling, estate road & footways finished surface levels, surface water drainage scheme, foul water drainage works & archaeological investigation (Conditions 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 (parts i-iii), 12, 15, 16, 17 & 20 of H13-1215-18)
Decided Applications
H13-0649-23- 35 Earlsfield, Moulton Seas End– Two storey extension – approved
H13-0642-23- Rear of War memorial, Moulton Seas End- Proposed residential (3) – refused
H13-0225-23 – Brooklyn House, 6 High Street, Moulton – Removal and replacement of window – approved
H13-0612-23 – Snake Hall Cottage, Moulton Eaugate – Proposed garage with accommodation, ground, and side first floor extension and internal alterations – approved
H13-0733-23 – 40 Church Lane, Moulton - Works to trees in Moulton in conservation area – approved
H13-0741-23 -Laburnham House, Loosegate Road, Moulton Seas end – Extension and alterations – approved
12)Moulton Ward
Play park – update
The Clerk met with the Principal Development Management Officer from Highways Moulton Park to discuss the potential need for a pavement extended outside the gate of the park. It was confirmed that it was not needed for a picnic area and as long as people and wheelchairs could stand on tarmac off the road, it would be adequate.
The Clerk stated the defib in Moulton door seems to be faulty. (this has since been checked and is all in working order.)
13) M S E Ward
Cheapest swing quote £3850 plus vat inc. grass mats and installation but not the removal of preexisting frame. Cllr Wright proposed and Cllr Ingham seconded to go ahead and purchase asap and order another youth swing seat at the same time. It was agreed councillors would remove the existing frame before the company come in to erect the new swing.
Bench on the green needs reciting as has been vandalised. Cllr Wright will look and see if it can be reattached to the base. Cllr wright met with a tree donation team for the playing field. Six are planned to be donated this year and six next year. The playing field is looking tidy.
Cllr Cooper has had a complaint about the paint on the railings around the war memorial. The site was discussed and Cllr Wright and Ingham agreed to remove the privet hedging to tidy.
14) Moulton Chapel Ward
The Clerk is currently in talks with a lady at Highways who seems to be very helpful in trying to get the new village sign ordered. It was agreed two signs are needed for the village.
15) SID Report
Average speed 20.3mph Station Road, Moulton. Now moved to assess the traffic leaving the village.
16) Correspondence
17) Matters for discussion to become agenda items for the next meeting.
18) Date of next meeting
7th November 2023 7pm, Moulton Chapel.
19) If necessary, to consider passing a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, to exclude the press and public from the meeting in order to discuss any items of business that may involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of that Act as amended by the Local Government Access to Information(Variation) Order 2006.
Cllr Wright proposed and Cllr Ingham seconded to go into closed session.
Finances and contractors were discussed for the Play Park.
Meeting closed 8.15pm