The AGM of The Moulton’s Parish Council will be held on Tuesday
16th May 2023 at 7pm at Moulton Seas End Village Hall.
Any members of the public who would like to attend this meeting please
contact our clerk to confirm a space first. Contact can be made via email: or tel. 07949 319559
1) Chairman’s Welcome.
2) Public Forum. This will last for a maximum of 15 minutes and the Parish
Council meeting will commence at 7.15pm.
3) Apologies for absence
4) Declarations of interest. To receive any further declarations, in
accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
5) Election of Chairman
6) Election Of Vice Chairman
7) Appointment of Burial Board
8) Appointment of Allotment Group
9) Appointment of Management Group
10) Appointment of representatives from groups and outside bodies
11) To consider the notes of the meeting held on 04/04/2023
12) To consider any matters arising from the minutes that are not
covered by the agenda.
13) Reports. To consider any matters relevant to the Cemetery,
Churchyard and Allotments.
14) Police Matters.
15) Highways Matters.
16) Financial Matters.
17) Planning Matters.
18) Moulton Village Ward.
19) Moulton Seas End Ward.
20) Moulton Chapel Ward.
21) SID Report
22) Correspondence.
23) Items asked to be included on Agenda during last Meeting.
24) Councillors’ reports and items for inclusion on the next Agenda.
Councillors are reminded that this item is for reporting matters not included
elsewhere on the Agenda and to raise items for inclusion on future
25) To confirm date and time of the next Parish Council Meeting.
26) If necessary, to consider passing a resolution under section 100A(4) of
the Local Government Act 1972, to exclude the press and public from the
meeting in order to discuss any items of business that may involve the
disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs of Part 1
of Schedule 12A of that Act as amended by the Local Government Access
Minutes of the AGM Parish Meeting of The Moulton’s Parish
Council held on 16 th May 2023 7pm at Moulton Seas End Village Hall
Present: Parish Cllrs Cooper (Chair), Wakefield (Vice), Hahn, Sanderson, Henderson, Sneath,
Ingham, Tibbs, Woolf and Clerk (Lisa Edgeley)
District Cllr Casson and one member of the press.
1) Chairman’s Welcome.
2022/2023 Chair Woolf welcomed everyone to the meeting, congratulated
councillors for gaining their seats and explained the co-option procedure.
He then gave thanks to the councillors that helped produce the parade float and
enter it into both recent parades.
Wright, Tibbs, Henderson, Sanderson proposed to be co-opted by Woolf and
Seconded by Sneath.
Leaving one vacancy in the Moulton Chapel Ward.
2) Public Forum
Play Park
District Cllr Casson asked if a decision has been made going forward by the parish
Woolf stated there is room for further negotiation with the new assets committee.
The preferred location option would currently be the village end.
Kirk is awaiting feedback from others, such as highways so that he can guide and
advise the Parish councillors further.
District Cllr Casson will report back to the new asset committee.
3) Apologies
Cllr Wright
4) Declarations of Interest
Cllr Woolf declared he is a District councillor (play park), also a member of Moulton
celebration committee.
Cllr Sneath declared he is also a District Councillor (play park).
5) Election of Chair
Cllr Woolf then stood down as Chair. Clerk then asked for nominations for a new
Cllr Woolf nominated Cllr Geoff Cooper
Seconded by Cllr Wakefield
6) Election of Vice Chair
The new elected Chair then asked for nominations for a Vice Chair.
Cllr Woolf nominated Cllr Wakefield.
Seconded by Cllr Hahn.
7) Appointment of Burial Board
All councillors in agreement they would all be part.
8) Appointment of Allotment Group
All councillors in agreement they would all be part.
9) Appointment of the Management Group
Chair Cooper, Vice Wakefield and Cllr Woolf
Another member to join
Cllr Henderson Proposed by Cllr Woolf
Seconded by Cllr Ingham
10) Appointment of representatives to outside bodies
LALC Cllr Hahn
Car Scheme Cllr Henderson
Cllr Woolf nominated
Cllr Sneath Seconded
Moulton Community Group
Cllr Tibbs Proposed by Cllr Woolf
Seconded by Cllr Ingham
11) To consider the notes of the meeting held on 4/4/2023
Cllr Ingham suggested the subject matter and conclusions of the confidential
minutes should be made available to the public. All agreed this would be
investigated. Cllr Hahn asked for a name correction and unanimously agreed they
could be signed off.
Proposed Cllr Woolf
Seconded Cllr Sneath
12) To consider any matters arising from the Minutes that are not covered by the
13) Reports
Tree root may cause a problem on a reserved plot and could not be hand dug in the
Beba burial
Thompson ashes
Crossley ashes
Site inspection from the Drainage Board took place. They asked that there is no
further planting close to the dyke edge.
Invoices had been sent out and majority had been paid.
14) Police
PCSO’s had been seen in the villages overseeing events.
15) Highways
TTRO/TTR003574-Temporary traffic restriction-Moulton Chapel/West Fen-
22/05/2023-09/06/2023-carriageway repairs
16) Financial
Business Account £91,860.92
Treasurer’s Account £90,708.41
Petty Cash £0.00
Total £182,569.33
Income £45.697.81
Expenditure £2150.17
Explanation from the Clerk, the petty cash (£89.90) had been written off as could not be
traced from the previous Clerk due to circumstances.
Payments to be made
Dog poo bags £144.90
ICCM Subscription £95
Marriott £706.82
TN Sneath £1917.60
Sanderson parade Float £49.33
17) Planning Consultations
H13-0351-23 – Eaugate Road, Moulton Chapel -S73A Continuation -Demolition of
agricultural building and erection of detached dwelling. Modification of condition 2.
H13-0389-23 – 5 East Cob Gate, Moulton -Full -Proposed rear extension and rear garage
H13-0406-23 – Rear of 24 Broad Lane, Moulton – Outline - Erection of one dwelling
Decided Applications
H13-0182-23 – 104 High Road, Moulton- proposed joinery workshop – full - approved
H13-0258-23 – 7 Westmoreland Road, Moulton – proposed single storey extension – full-
H13-0275-23 – Westlyn Fengate – details of foul and surface water disposal – condition
compliance- approved
H13-0202-23 – 3Bell Lane, Moulton – Works to tree preservation order no3 1966 – TPO tree
works - approved
18) Moulton Ward
Play Park – see public forum above
19) M S E Ward
Cllr Sneath stated the Youth group had thanked the Parish for their generous donation.
Cllr Woolf reminded Councillors about the hill in the park and how it needed to be
reinstated potentially. Cllr Sneath had reservations in case the grass did not grow and it
eroded. Cllr Woolf suggested it would be taped off during the grass growing period. Cllr Kirk
offered some soil for the project.
Cllr Woolf reminded everyone that the swings needed repairing/replacing after the last
It was agreed a site meeting would take place after the Parish meeting.
20) Moulton Chapel Ward
Cllr Kirk offered to try and find the application process for the new village sign after the
Clerk cannot find the correct forms.
21) SID Report
Roman Road, Moulton Chapel highs of 70mph.
Unanimously agreed that a letter is to be sent to Mark Jones that we as a Parish are not
happy that the reports are not processed by Lincs Road Safety Partnership.
21) Correspondence
22) Matters for Discussion to become Agenda for the next meeting
Play Park
23) Date and time of next meeting
Tuesday 6 th June 7pm, Moulton Community Centre
8pm meeting closed