An Ordinary meeting of The Moulton’s Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 4th July 2023 at 7pm at Moulton Chapel Community Centre.


1) Chairman’s Welcome.

2) Public Forum. This will last for a maximum of 15 minutes and the Parish Council meeting will commence at 7.15pm.  

3) Apologies for absence

4) Declarations of interest. To receive any further declarations, in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.

5) To consider the notes of the meeting held on 06/06/2023.

6) To consider any matters arising from the minutes that are not covered by the agenda.

7) Reports. To consider any matters relevant to the Cemetery. Churchyard and Allotments.


It has been asked if a memorial bench could be moved in the cemetery.

Cemetery roadway funding application has been sent.

Churchyard graves over grown and a deceased tree in the boundary line has been reported.

New Church bench donation


8) Police Matters

9) Highways Matters

10) Financial Matters     

11) Planning Matter

12) Moulton Village Ward

     Play Park

13) Moulton Seas End Ward

14) Moulton Chapel Ward

 Defib door maybe faulty on the Jolly Farmer.

15) SID Reports

16) Correspondence

17) Items asked to be included on Agenda during last Meeting.

Playing field MSE possible electric supply and alterations.

MSE swing

Funding for electric for the Moulton village green and/or swing etc.

18) Councillors’ reports and items for inclusion on the next Agenda.                                                         

 Councillors are reminded that this item is for reporting matters not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for inclusion on future agendas.

19) To confirm date and time of the next Parish Council Meeting.

20) If necessary, to consider passing a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, to exclude the press and public from the meeting in order to discuss any items of business that may involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of that Act as amended by the Local Government Access to Information(Variation) Order 2006.


Minutes of the Monthly Parish Meeting of The Moulton’s Parish Council held on Tuesday 4th July 2023 at Moulton Chapel Community Centre. 


Present: Parish Cllrs Cooper (Chair), Wakefield (Vice), Sanderson, Hahn, Henderson, Woolf, Ingham, Sneath, Kirk, Tibbs and Wright along with Parish Clerk. 

County Cllr Pepper and Gibson.

Dist. Cllr Casson

Two members of the public in attendance.


Chair read out the rights of public and press on recording of meetings.


1) Chairman’s welcome 

The Chairman Cllr Cooper welcomed everyone to the meeting.


2) Public Forum 

One member of the public asked if the planning inspector for the ‘Ski Slope’ had been yet or not as they had seen somebody on site.


3) Apologies for Absence 



 4) Declarations of interest 

Cllr Sneath and Cllr Woolf declared they are district councillors.


5) To consider the notes of the meeting held on 06/06/2023 and the extraordinary minutes.

Proposed Cllr Hahn and Seconded Cllr Wright.

All agreed and signed by the Chair.


6) Matters Arising 



7) Reports 



Dead tree on the boundary was reported. Cllr Woolf suggested it was checked as there is a TPO in place.

Numerous complaints about the state of the churchyard received to councillors and Clerk. Chair had met one resident who showed him the grave they could not tend to as it was inaccessible. Has been tended to by the probation service pre covid.

Contract with the Grass cutters to be sourced to check the terms. Two councillors will meet the contractor.

Proposed Cllr Kirk

Seconded Cllr Henderson.

The Green Group would be contacted to inform them what was happening.


Chair allowed a late arrival from the UPP broadband company to speak as missed the public forum. The new fibre broadband in Moulton explained. The lady stated that Moulton Chapel is also due to have fibre connected too.


Cllr Sneath’s Mother would like to replace the broken memorial bench.

Proposed Cllr Woolf

Seconded Cllr Wright



Cllr Hahn noticed a bench on the gravel and asked if it has been moved as not on the hard standing. Clerk will check how stable it is.

Cllr Sneath reminded people that the Council should be aware that there is approx. 40years left at the current rate until the cemetery will be full.

Clerk stated the funding application has been submitted for the Cemetery roadway.

Cllr Woolf had found some Chafer grub traps online. £17.99 each. Agreed to purchase 8. Proposed by Cllr Woolf

Seconded by Cllr Kirk.





Cllr Wright stated they look maintained.





Spalding East Rural NPT have asked what the Parish could like as a priority till September. Currently it is the speeding in Fengate, Moulton Chapel. 18 tickets have been issued and 15 warnings. Speed checks have been ongoing in other areas.

Cllr Woolf suggested the PCSO is asked if she can help in regards to getting the SID data forwarded and it used productively.





TTRO/TTR004207- Daws Gate, Moulton – retread surfacing - 07/07/2023 - 30/09/2023 up to 5 days within this period

Cllr Wakefield asked Cllr Pepper on the progress on resurfacing a rural road. Cllr Pepper explained there was a hope to get more funding soon.

Cllr Gibson explained the retread process.


10) FINANCIAL       

Business Account            £91,971.69

Treasurers Account         £86,716.10

Petty cash                                £ 0.00

Total                              £178, 687.79


Total Income                         £810.00

Total Expenditure                £4192.29           



Payments to be made

Parade float (Andrew) £53.20

Marriott                  £1250.30

TN Sneath               £1046.40

Fisher and Co accountant £95.00

Moulton Hall hire £57.75

All agreed



11) Planning Consultations 


 H13-0535-23 – 12 Westmoreland Road, Moulton -Full – Single storey extension to rear of bungalow and part garage conversion - Re-submission of H13-0009-23

H13-0544-23 – Moulton Medical Centre – Full – Part two storey, rear, and side extension to medical centre

H13-0551-23 – Section 73 Modification – 104 High Road, Acorn Landscapes - Proposed joinery workshop with timber storage to replace existing - approved under H13-0182-23. Modification of Condition 2 to allow amendments to previously approved plans.

Decided Applications

H13-0190-23 – Land at Moulton Bulb Co., Long Lane, Moulton -Erection of a ground mounted solar array with associated infrastructure - approved

H13-0351-23 – Eaugate Road, Moulton Chapel - Demolition of agricultural building and erection of detached dwelling - approved under H13-0526-22. Modification of Condition 2 to allow amendments to previously approved plans – approved

H13-0435-23 – The Vicarage, 34 Church Lane, Moulton – Works to trees in Moulton conservation area- approved

H13-0406-23 – Rear of 24 Broad Lane, Moulton – Erection of one dwelling – approved

H13-0443-23 – 56 Hatt Close, Moulton – Single storey rear extension and alterations to dwelling - approved


APP/A2525/C/23/3320786 – Land North of Roman Road, Moulton Chapel - (1)Importation of soil and consequential land raising within the area outlined.

(2)Creation of a road base course within the area outlined in red on the attached plan;

(3)Construction of footings for houses within the area outlined in red on the attached plan.


Cllr Woolf suggested the councillors put thought into a potential section 106.


12) Moulton Ward 

Chair explained a site meeting took place in the park the previous Sunday with district Cllr Casson.

Chair allowed Cllr Casson to speak. The sizes of both areas were shown to councillors on the GPS map app.

Cllr Kirk asked for clarification as to whether the footpath would be paid for by SHDC. The email which included the answers was read out. District Cllr Casson stated it would not be paid for by SHDC.

Cllr Tibbs estimated the average speed along the entrance would be 34-35mph.

Cllr Woolf asked for the councillors to see heads of terms before they go to the solicitor.

Dist. Cllr Casson explained that funding was the reason that SHDC could not pay for a pavement.

Cllr Hahn raised concerns as to whether it would be a renewable lease.

Cllr Woolf proposed Cllr Casson finds out how long the heads of terms will take to draw up and then if needs be, an extraordinary meeting can be arranged to discuss.

Cllr Kirk proposed that once the heads of terms were received, a fixed price quote from solicitor was sought.

Seconded Cllr Woolf


Cllrs and Clerk have attended a refreshed LALC course.

Clerk is making a scarecrow for the event.

Get a revised quote for electric to the village green. Proposed Cllr Woolf, Seconded Cllr Sneath.



13) M S E Ward 

Playground inspection is in August. G and D engineering are repairing the roundabout by August.

Cllr Wright stated he has not received any quotes as of yet for an electricity supply to the playing field.

Clerk is attending an online course/application course for funding opportunities. (swing quote may be used)


14) Moulton Chapel Ward 

Two residents had contacted the Clerk in regards to the ‘Ski Slope’ appeal.


Cllr Sanderson explained about an overgrown bridleway on Randell Bank. Chair asked Cllr Pepper who’s responsible, County Council are responsible if official public right of way. Clerk would send an email to Cllr Pepper with the relevant information.


Cllr Woolf asked for village sign updates. Cllr Gibson said he would have a look into it and respond to the Clerk.



15) SID Report 


 Cllr Tibbs -MSE Common Road average 38mph


16) Correspondence 


 Clerk has been asked to include meeting dates in the Village Voice regularly.

Email received by concerned MC resident about the demolished bus shelter Thorpe Avenue that was not replaced. Quote had been sought for a new one. Cllr Woolf suggested it got added onto a section 106 wish list.

Car scheme use figures have been sent to Clerk.


17) Matters for Discussion to become Agenda items at next meeting 



18) Councillors’ Reports

Cllr Woolf stated the autumn litter pick would be 7th October.


19) Date and time of next meeting 

Tuesday September 5th 2023 7pm at MSE Village Hall.



20) Proposed by Cllr Henderson and seconded by Cllr Kirk to go into closed session to discuss finances and contractors for the play park.


Meeting closed 8.55pm