Minutes of the Monthly Parish Meeting of The Moulton’s Parish Council held on Tuesday 7th February 2023 at Moulton Chapel Community Centre.
Present: Parish Cllrs Cooper, Hann, Henderson, Ingham, Sanderson, Sneath, Tibbs, Wright. and cover clerk (Graham French).
Two members of the public and District Cllr Casson.
1) Chairman’s welcome
The Vice-chair Cllr Cooper welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2) Apologies for Absence
Cllr Benton, Kirk, Wakefield, Woolf and Clerk.
3) Public Forum
District Cllr Casson suggested that the proposed entrance to the play area was not feasible due to damage that would be caused to tree roots. Suggestions from councillors were made to scrap the car park altogether or move the entrance further down the road. District Cllr Casson suggested that he could arrange for a representative from Highways to attend the next Parish Council meeting to discuss the matter of the entrance, Councillors present agreed he should arrange this.
A request was made for a larger bin on Lowther Avenue.
4) Declarations of interest
5) To consider the notes of the meeting held on 10/01/2023.
It was agreed by all attending Councillors that they could be signed off by the Vice-Chairman.
6) Matters Arising
7) Reports
A. Cemetery.
The Marriott Bros have started preparing the next area to be used for interment. They have also asked if the Burial Board could arrange to look at the state of the roadways as they are concerned about the state of them.
A resident from Hatt Close has asked how close the burial plots are expected to be from her border.
Crows have once again been seen active looking for chafer grubs.
B. Churchyard
The Parish Council has been contacted by the Commonwealth war graves commission, with reference to a WW11 casualty, buried somewhere in the churchyard. They are looking to erect a memorial to remember the casualty. Clerk to action on her return.
C. Allotments
All ok
SID update has been forwarded and an email received stating all info had been forwarded to necessary departments.
TTRO/TTR002856 – Temporary traffic restriction – B1357 Seas End Road, Moulton seas End –28/02/2023 – 02/03/2023 - AWA- new connection
TTRO/TTR002550 – Temporary traffic restriction – road closure order -Roman Bank MSE – 06/02/2023 – 08/02/2023 – AWA - leak repairs
Woodgate Moulton Chapel nr. Plough Pub – requires detailed investigation – specialist drainage engineer now looking into the whole of the area- will let us know the conclusion in due course. – after recent rain work is now in progress.
Sign for Spalding / Holbeach at the top of Spalding Gate – has now changed to action scheduled
Top of West Cobgate - Access to properties flooded – now fixed
Requests were made by councillors for an update on the proposed drop kerb at the junction of Lowther Avenue and Westmoreland Road and on the replacing of the road sign on the A151 opposite Fold Lane.
Business Accouny £91,712.84
Treasurers Account £54,275.21
Petty cash £89.90
Total £146,077.95
Total Income £1051.84
Total Expenditure £2853.65
Payments to be made
Marriot Bros £210.00
LALC - £698.59
Cllr Hann requested clarification on the accounts for two receipts of £220.00. He wondered if this was a duplication as both amounts were for the same amount, had the same receipt number date and code. Clerk/RFO to action on her return.
11) Planning Consultations
The Vice-Chairman suspended Standing Orders to allow members of the public and District Councillor Casson to speak on planning matters.
H13-1086-22 – Wheatsheaf Inn Fen Gate – planning consultation – Full – rear extension & installation of LPG tank
H13-0076-23 – College Farm Loosegate – Full- conversion of outbuilding into res, annexe
H13-0024-23 – 7 Westmoreland Rd – Full – proposed rear extension / garage conversion
H13-0009-23 - 12 Westmoreland Road – Full – planning consultation- single storey rear extension / garage conversion
H13-0040-23 – 139 Broad lane – extension to include annexe & vehicular access – Full – comments made
Decided Applications
2nd-8th January 2023 – H13-1081-22 - rear 18 Roman Bank MSE -residential development – Refusal
H13-1106-22 – 11 Ashby Gardens – proposed single storey rear extension & alterations - Approved
9th-15th January 2023 – None
16th-22nd January 2023 – H13-1148-22- Waites farm barns MSE - Full – proposed first floor extension including external balcony – Approved
H13-1217-22 – Eaugate road MC – demolition of agricultural building and erection of detached dwelling – amendment to brick type – Approved
23rd-29th January 2023 – H13-0857-22 - Eaugate road MC – details of contamination and remediation strategy – Approved
Standing Orders reinstated.
12) Moulton Ward
Play Park update
Moulton Celebration Committee are looking for funds towards the coronation celebrations including, lantern parade, picnic and village entertainment.
Cllr. Kirk was getting a quote for electricity for the Village Green
The float for Spalding Flower Parade was discussed. The sub-committee said they would consult with the Chairman on his return and then report back to the full council.
13) M S E Ward
The playing field has been cut.
3D Youth club £300 grant already agreed – need to agree what items to purchase for them.
The matter of a pool table was discussed. Cllr Sneath proposed and was seconded by Cllr Hann that the council grant £300 for the purchase of the pool table. The motion passed unanimously.
14) Moulton Chapel Ward
Update on the float being entered into the Spalding Flower Parade, and Moulton Chapel Flower Festival.
Homeowners in Roman Road development area are continuing to object and have requested that all planning granted so far should be revoked. This matter goes before SHDC planning on Wednesday 8th February.
15) SID Report
Copy has been emailed to all councillors and the police as too many pages to print out.
16) Correspondence
Copy deadline for Village Voice is March 2nd 2023
17) Matters for Discussion to become Agenda items at next meeting
Request was made that the visit of the Highways officer be made an agenda item for the next meeting.
Request that the provision of a bench on the footpath in Church Lane be made an agenda item for the next meeting.
18) Date and time of next meeting
Tuesday March 7th 2023 at Moulton Community Centre.
19) To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude public, press and police.
Meeting Closed at 8:15pm.