An Ordinary meeting of The Moulton’s Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 5th December 2023 at 7pm at Moulton Seas End Village Hall.


1) Chairman’s Welcome.

2) Public Forum. This will last for a maximum of 15 minutes and the Parish Council meeting will commence at 7.15pm.

3) Apologies for absence

4) Declarations of interest. To receive any further declarations, in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.

5) To consider the notes of the meeting held on 07/11/2023.

6) To consider any matters arising from the minutes that are not covered by the agenda.

7) Reports. To consider any matters relevant to the Cemetery. Churchyard and Allotments.

8) Police Matters

9) Highways Matters

10) Financial Matters 

 11) Planning Matter

 12) Moulton Village Ward

13) Moulton Seas End Ward  

14) Moulton Chapel Ward

15) SID Report

16) Correspondence

17) Items asked to be included on Agenda during last Meeting. 

18) Councillors’ reports and items for inclusion on the next Agenda.        

    Councillors are reminded that this item is for reporting matters not included elsewhere on the Agenda and to raise items for inclusion on future Agendas.

19) To confirm date and time of the next Parish Council Meeting.

20) If necessary, to consider passing a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, to exclude the press and public from the meeting in order to discuss any items of business that may involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of that Act as amended by the Local Government Access to Information(Variation) Order 2006.


Minutes of the Monthly Parish Meeting of The Moulton’s Parish Council held on Tuesday 5th December 2023 at Moulton Seas End Village Hall. 

Present: Parish Cllrs Cooper (Chair), Wakefield (Vice), Henderson, Hahn, Ingham, Sneath, Woolf, Sanderson and Wright along with Parish Clerk, Press and 4 members of the public.

1) Chairman’s welcome 

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.


2) Public Forum 

A member of the public asked for funds to be made available for revamping the war memorial in Moulton Seas End. Ideas of new railings and slabbing the area for wheelchair access were put forward. The Clerk informed the public that there is funding due for this through Cllr Gibson in due course.

Another member of the public wanted to draw attention to the drains on Roman Bank due to vehicles mounting the pavement. The Chair informed the public that there is nothing the Parish Council can do as such, however could draw attention to it via ‘Fix my Street’ and informing a County Councillor.


3) Apologies for Absence 

Cllr Tibbs, Kirk and Dist. Cllr Casson


 4) Declarations of interest 

Cllr Sneath and Cllr Woolf declared they are district councillors.


5) To consider the notes of the meeting held on 07/11/23

All agreed and signed by the Chair.


6) Matters Arising 


7) Reports 



The Clerk has been in contact with another funding organisation that the roadway would potentially qualify for (patching only). Since then, the Marriott Bros. have said they could carry out the patching in the Spring at under £1000, likely (5-£600). Cllr Wakefield proposed this go ahead, Cllr Sanderson seconded and all agreed.

The Marriott Bros. have also asked for a new sprayer for the cemetery, approx. £40. All agreed.



Bradford- ashes


The Probation service have now finished their work. All agreed to contact them in the Spring to see if they can return. Cllr Woolf thanked a local business for the removal of the waste.



One tenant will be ending their tenancy in the spring. The next on the wait list has been informed of the vacancy.



Police were seen in Moulton Chapel with the speed gun recently.



TTRO/TTR005533 - Spalding Gate/road closure - Anglian Water - 4/12/23-6/12/23

LCC has been out to the bends in Moulton Seas End where the Clerk had reported to ‘Fix my Street’ that there were some white bollards/fencing. LCC have requested photos of these previous as they cannot find any trace of them ever being there. Cllr Wright is going to source photos.

Cllr Hahn asked for the ‘Long Lane’ sign and junction to be reported after a recent accident. Concerns raised on the junction not being fit for the amount and type of traffic.

Concerns were also raised about the parking outside Moulton school. The Clerk informed everyone that a member from County Council was present one day at school times carrying out a traffic survey.



Business Account        £92,375.12

Treasurer’s Account    £66,884.45

Petty Cash                     £0.00

Total                               £159,259.57


Income                           £101.88

Expenditure                    £5647.66


Proposed budget available to view. A rise of 4.8% to the precept was presented. Proposed by Cllr Woolf and seconded by Cllr Wakefield. All agreed.

Cllr Sneath proposed that the mobile phone contract is looked at in the future.

Payments to be made

Marriott        £498.07

TN Sneath               £175.20

Clerk expenses £18.80 (stamps)

Clerk mileage 88 miles @45p £39.60 (courses)

Cllr Woolf proposed and Cllr Sneath seconded. All payments agreed


11)Planning Consultations

H13-0932-23 – Mr P Savage – The Plantation, Hallgate - full – Demolition of redundant stable block and replacement self-contained annexe

H13-1035-23 – Mr and Mrs Lowe – 24 Hatt Close, Moulton -full – Part two storey and first floor extension to front of dwelling

H13-0978-23 – Mr G Hyde – 1 Wiles Avenue, Moulton Chapel – full – Proposed single storey rear extension

H13-1037-23 – Mr and Mrs P Whiten – 32 Woodgate Road, Moulton Chapel – full – proposed rear extension and alterations

H13-0954-23 – Moulton Parish Council – Moulton Park, High Road – full -Change of use of area of parkland to public open space/recreational ground

Decided Applications

H13-0876-23- 16 East Cob Gate, Moulton – Rear extension and alterations – approved

H13-0544-23- Moulton Medical Centre -Part two storey, part single storey, rear and side extension to medical centre – approved


12) Moulton Ward

Plat Park – update

The Clerk met with Diane Fairchild (tree officer), the one tree in 1/3 of an acre does not currently need fencing off. One dead tree in Moulton churchyard that can be removed if it becomes a hazard and another replanting.

Community group asked if the bench outside the bungalows (Loop Lane/Shivean Gate) could be replaced as it is currently taped off and rotten. SHDC have been contacted and have deemed it to be the Parish Council’s responsibility. Cllr Sneath has spoked to SHDC about the matter and is awaiting a response whether SHDC will remove or replace as it is SHDC land. The Councillors felt it was originally a SHDC bench.

A resident has requested that the outcomes of Parish meetings, including Moulton Park updates, are printed in the Village Voice magazine. All agreed Moulton Park updates on planning would be published but the outcomes of points in the Parish meetings would be available on the website in the minutes.


13) M S E Ward

The new swing has been installed. Cllr Sneath thanked the councillors who gave up their time to remove the original swing, which in turn, saved the parish a large sum by not having to pay the contractor.

The mound has not been replaced currently as a councillor had not been able to fulfil request. This will still be replaced in due course when the weather picks up.

Privet has been trimmed right down to nearly ground level. Resident adjacent has contacted the Clerk to request that the Parish pay for his fence repair after the privet removal. The Chair suspended standing orders for members of the public to speak briefly. One member of the public agreed with councillors that the hedge/bush should have been taken out. Concerns were raised previously about how it was encroaching onto the pavement. All councillors agreed it would still be completely removed in the Spring.

Cllr Hahn asked one of the members of the public if they would be kind enough to submit a plan to the Parish Council of what they feel the war memorial should look like after a revamp.


14) Moulton Chapel Ward 

Quotes have been sought for a new bus shelter for Thorpe Avenue. All agreed to gain one more quote from a local contractor and then at the next meeting, the best option will be agreed. All agreed a bus shelter will be installed.

Cllr Woolf asked the Clerk if there was an update yet on the new Moulton Chapel signs. The invoice has been paid.


15) SID Report 


16) Correspondence 


17) Matters for Discussion to become Agenda items at next meeting.

Bus shelter

War memorial


18) Councillors’ reports and items for inclusion on the next Agenda.


19) Date and time of next meeting 

Tuesday January 9th 2023 7pm at Moulton Community Centre.


20) If necessary, to consider passing a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, to exclude the press and public from the meeting in order to discuss any items of business that may involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of that Act as amended by the Local Government Access to Information(Variation) Order 2006.

LALC payscales were discussed for the coming year.


Meeting Closed at 8:40pm.