An Ordinary meeting of The Moulton’s Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 2nd April 2024 at 7pm at Moulton Community Centre


1)  Chairman’s Welcome.

2) Public Forum. This will last for a maximum of 15 minutes and the Parish Council meeting will commence at 7.15pm.

3) Apologies for absence

Cllr Kirk

4) Declarations of interest. To receive any further declarations, in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.

5) To consider the notes of the meeting held on 05/03/2024.

6) To consider any matters arising from the minutes that are not covered by the agenda.

7) Reports. To consider any matters relevant to the Cemetery. Churchyard and Allotments.

8) Police Matters

9) Highways Matters

10) Financial Matters  

11) Planning Matters

12) Moulton Village Ward

13) Moulton Seas End Ward  

14) Moulton Chapel Ward

15) SID Report

16) Correspondence

17) Items asked to be included on Agenda during last Meeting. 

        Fly tipping Mill Marsh Road

Grimsby to Walpole Pylons

18) Councillors’ reports and items for inclusion on the next Agenda.                                               

      Councillors are reminded that this item is for reporting matters not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for inclusion on future Agendas.

19) To confirm date and time of the next Parish Council Meeting.

20) If necessary, to consider passing a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, to exclude the press and public from the meeting in order to discuss any items of business that may involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of that Act as amended by the Local Government Access to Information(Variation) Order 2006.


DRAFT Minutes of the Monthly Parish Meeting of The Moulton’s Parish Council held on Tuesday 2nd April 2024 at Moulton Community Centre 

Present: Parish Cllrs Cooper (Chair), Woolf, Henderson, Sneath, Wright, Sanderson, Ingham, and Parish Clerk.


1) Chairman’s welcome 


2) Public Forum 

No members of the public in attendance.


3) Apologies for Absence 

Cllr Hahn, Tibbs, Wakefield, Kirk, and Dist. Cllr Casson.


 4) Declarations of interest 

Cllr Sneath and Woolf declared they are District Councillors (Moulton Park).  

Chair (Cooper) and Cllr Sneath (Village Hall, MSE)


5) To consider the notes of the meeting held on 05/03/24

Cllr Henderson proposed and Cllr Sneath seconded. All agreed and signed off.


6) Matters Arising 


7) Reports 


Letterbox is on order but has a 4 month lead time.


Herbert - ashes



Clerk was asked to ask the contractors to cut in the areas that were previously over grown.


Invoices have been sent out for the last 6 months to be paid.





TTRO/TTR007237 – Temp traffic restriction Broad Lane – 05/03/24-11/03/24 – Leak repair – Anglian Water

TTRO/TTR007224 – Road closure Moulton West Fen - 11/03/2024 - 22/03/2024 – Queens Bank repair - LCC

TTRO/TTR006726 – Road closure Burnstone Gardens and Hatt Close, Moulton – resurfacing - LCC



Business Account        £92,780.46

Treasurer’s Account    £41,376.68

Petty Cash                     £0.00

Total                               £134,157.14


Income                           £1,306.29

Expenditure                 £3,386.36


Payments to be made

Marriott            £310.00 and (£120.16 chipper hire Chislett already paid Marriott back)

Hodson (large bin bags Cemetery) £143.96

Clerk mileage 90 miles @0.45p per mile = £40.50 (courses)

Clerk stamps £20.00


Proposed by Cllr Woolf and seconded Cllr Ingham and all agreed.


11)Planning Consultation

H13-1111-23 – Allison Homes – land North of Roamn Road, Moulton Chapel, Spalding - Residential Development - Details of management plan for publicly accessible open space and details of equipped children's play area (Conditions 10 and 11 of H13-1215-18) – condition compliance – approved

H13-0008-24 – Mr R Oldershaw – Glebe Farm, Roman Bank – proposed general purpose grading building - full - approved

H13-0043-24 – Mr and Mrs C Taylor – 19 Fengate, Moulton Chapel – single storey extension to garage – full – approved

H13-0309-23 – Mr J Mason – 25 Lowther Avenue, Moulton – erection of fence, retrospective – full – withdrawn

H13-0103-24 – Mr S Melton – Buck Cottage, Middle Marsh Road, Moulton Marsh, - double garage with storage above – full – approved


12) Moulton Ward

Grimsby to Walpole Pylons – agreed to forward the letter of objection that was submitted to Sir John Hayes.


Defibs discussed. Agreed for the Clerk to get quotes for new defib pads and machines but not yellow boxes.


13) M S E Ward

War memorial very nearly finished. Just needs the rubbish taking away and fencing taking away.  

A formal opening was discussed. The Chair will look into this.


Cllr Wright informed everyone that the manhole cover opposite Mawford Close is loose again. Clerk will report.


The Youth Club has asked the council if they would consider any financial help towards the running of the club. Cllr Wright proposed (agreed) £150 to be donated from the ward budget and the club would be invited to walk alongside the parade float with buckets to fundraise. Cllr Henderson will forward a list of contacts for opportunities to fundraise and potential grant opportunities.


Fly tipping down Mill Marsh Road was discussed.


14) Moulton Chapel

The parade float progress was discussed.


Cllr Sanderson informed the Council of complaints from residents in regards to lorries driving through the village from the ‘ski slope’, rather than straight onto the A16. Cllr Sanderson has explained to the site manager and hopefully now resolved.


15) SID Report 

Max speed of 70mph where it has been sited Eaugate Road, Moulton Chapel.


16) Correspondence 

Spring litter pick Sat 13th April 10am-12pm


Cllr Sneath asked about a potential TRO request from Broad Lane.


17) Matters for Discussion to become Agenda items at next meeting.


18) Councillors’ reports and items for inclusion on the next Agenda.


19) Date and time of next meeting 

(APM AND AGM) Tuesday May 7th 2024 7pm at Moulton Chapel Community Centre.


20) If necessary, to consider passing a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, to exclude the press and public from the meeting in order to discuss any items of business that may involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of that Act as amended by the Local Government Access to Information(Variation) Order 2006.


 Meeting Closed at 8.45pm