January 2024

Minutes of the Monthly Parish Meeting of The Moulton’s Parish Council held on Tuesday 9th January 2024 at Moulton Community Centre. 
Present: Parish Cllrs Cooper (Chair), Wakefield (Vice), Henderson, Hahn, Ingham, Sneath, Woolf, Tibbs, Kirk, Sanderson, Wright, Dist. Cllr Casson, CCllr Gibson along with Parish Clerk, and a large group of the public.
1) Chairman’s welcome 
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. All councillors introduced themselves.
2) Public Forum 
A Moulton Seas End resident explained that there is a blockage under Seas End Road causing sewage to appear in people’s gardens. This is an ongoing problem. Dist. Cllr Casson thanked the Drainage Board for their attempts at fixing the blockage under the road outside the Village Hall. CCllr Gibson then explained he has seen the email streams dating back years. The LCC Highways have admitted responsibility and works would be carried out, however this is 2024/2025. CCllr Gibson informed residents he would push LCC to carry out the works much sooner. 
Another resident gave an update on the Roman Bank footpath that has been reported on ‘fix my street.’ Residents have reported near misses with pedestrians on the pavement and lorries/tractors mounting the pavements. It was agreed that any video footage/information is passed onto Lincs Road Safety Partnership.
Fly tipping reported Carrington Road (gas cannisters).
Dist. Cllr Casson explained that there has been flooding on Bell Lane, Moulton with a large hole in the road. Damaged cars have been reported. It was agreed the Clerk would chase Anglian Water to resolve the issue.
3) Apologies for Absence 
 4) Declarations of interest 
Cllr Sneath and Cllr Woolf declared they are district councillors. Cllr Kirk (Moulton Park).
5) To consider the notes of the meeting held on 05/12/23
All agreed and signed by the Chair.
6) Matters Arising 
7) Reports 
Various sunken plots reported after the recent rainfall. Marriott Bros. are trying to rectify.
Goddard- ashes
The Chair asked the Clerk to write to LCC showing support to the Moulton Seas End residents on the drainage blockage.
TTRO/TTR006155 – West Cob Gate, road closure – Sunbelt Rentals (pole testing) - 12/2/24-12/2/24
Business Account        £92,480.40
Treasurer’s Account    £61,645.27
Petty Cash                     £0.00
Total                               £154,125.67
Income                           £685.28
Expenditure                    £5819.18
Payments to be made
Marriott        £560.00
Hall Hire          £27.50
JRB (dog bags) £178.74
MCafee Subscription (2 year) £114.99
All payments agreed
11)Planning Consultations
H13-1009-23 – BLM Builders Ltd – Rear of War memorial, Moulton Seas End – reserved matters– residential development, two dwellings
H13-0309-23 – Mr J Mason – 25 Lowther Avenue, Moulton – full – erection of fence (retrospective)
Decided Applications
H13-0752-23- Double Roof Farm, High Road, Moulton – Change of use of agricultural buildings to use class B8. E (g) iii with alterations – approved
H13-0860-23 – Peloton produce Ltd, west Cob gate – Change of use of agricultural land to commercial including coldstore extension - approved
H13-0932-23 – The Plantation, Hall Gate, Moulton – Demolition of redundant stable book and replacement self-contained annexe – refused
12) Moulton Ward
Various flooding sites reported in the area inc. Church Lane. Cllr Sneath has raised this with LCC and he himself has tried to sweep and clear the drains as best possible.
The Chair suspended standing orders so Mr Lewis could speak on behalf of the Biggadyke Foundation. He explained that the charity is in the process of purchasing Moulton Park and planning permission has been submitted for change of use. A public meeting for residents will be organised soon. Cllr Hahn asked if the charity plan on having an annual horse show/village event like in previous years. Mr Lewis told councillors that it would go ahead if that is what villagers wanted. Cllr Woolf asked if the charity would be kind enough to put a walkway in from their proposed car park area to the recreational area.
13) M S E Ward
A resident has kindly submitted a sketch plan of how they see the war memorial could look in the future. CCllr Gibson explained about some potential labour funding that could be available. Councillors agreed to ask local contractors for quotes to get the project completed asap. Cllr Wakefield proposed, seconded Cllr Henderson and all agreed.
14) Moulton Chapel Ward 
Bus shelter quote (cheapest) £3195. All agreed to go ahead and install.
Cllr Sanderson asked if an application could be put forward for a speed reduction along Fen Gate.
Cllr Woolf asked if the Parish wished to enter a float into the Tulip parade that could also be entered into the Moulton Chapel parade. Cllr Sneath proposed and Cllr Woolf seconded that a float would be entered.
15) SID Report 
Cllr Tibbs recorded more than 90mph Fen Gate, Moulton Chapel. All agreed to move the machine to outside the school in Moulton Chapel.
16) Correspondence 
17) Matters for Discussion to become Agenda items at next meeting.
War memorial
18) Councillors’ reports and items for inclusion on the next Agenda.
19) Date and time of next meeting 
Tuesday February 6th 2024 7pm at Moulton Chapel Community Centre.
20) If necessary, to consider passing a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, to exclude the press and public from the meeting in order to discuss any items of business that may involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of that Act as amended by the Local Government Access to Information(Variation) Order 2006.
Meeting Closed at 8:15pm.