September 2018 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of The Moultons Parish Council held on Tuesday 11th September 2018 at Moulton Seas End Village Hall at 7pm.
Present: Cllrs Woolf(Chairman), Benton, Cooper, Hahn, Henderson, Poll, Tibbs and Wakefield.
District Cllr Casson.
1. Chairmans welcome.
Chairman Cllr Woolf welcomed everyone.
Public forum.
2. Apologies:
a. Apologies had been received from Cllr Wright reasons given and accepted by all.
3. Declarations of interest.
a. None given.
4. Notes of the meeting held on 3rd July 2018 had been circulated. It was resolved to accept these notes as a true copy of the minutes. Proposed by Cllr Hahn and seconded by Cllr Benton.
Item 13c was brought forward.
But will be reported according to agenda.
5. To resolve the new starting time of 7pm.
a. After several months of the trial starting time of meeting at 7pm, it was agreed by all that each meeting will now start at 7pm. AGREED to accept this resolution.
6. Cemetery, churchyard and allotments.
a. Nothing to report.
b. Cemetery inspection had been completed and Cllrs were happy with how the cemetery keeper is looking after all cemetery work.
c. The Allotment inspection had taken place and notes were made of some allotments being somewhat overgrown. Clerk will contact all tenants accordingly.
7. Police matters:
a. The report from our PCSO for 26/7/18 – 21/8/18 shows ASB-4, criminal damage-0, theft-0, burglary-2, RTC-0. Upon looking at the Police website the full report for July 2018 is: Woodgate Road – 1xViolence & sexual offences. Moulton Chapel School 1 x burglary, Cekira Avenue 1 x possession of weapons. Near Thorpe Avenue 1 x criminal damage & arson, 2 x violence & sexual offernces. Moons Green 1 x ASB, East Cob Gate 1 x vehicle crime, High Street 1 x burglary, High Road 1 x ASB.
8. Highways matters.
a. An Archers Survey had been requested for Fengate, Moulton Chapel.
b. To ask Highways of a list can be generated regarding repairs to potholes.
c. CSW. Jan Whitbourne will be holding training sessions for those who want to volunteer to help with speeding. More people are still required to take the pressure off those who have already signed up. Cllr Benton had attended one of these meetings and gave a comprehensive overview of how this will work. It was resolved to accept the purchasing of the new equipment accordingly.
d. Clerk had written to Bakkavor asking if they could advise their employees to slow down. They replied saying they would write to each employee advising them of this.
9. Finance report:
a. The finance report was circulated and resolved to accept the figures given.
Income of £2275.08 Expenditure of £7467.48 Proposed by Cllr Walters and seconded by Cllr Cooper. Resolved to accept these figures.
b. Clerk had received the external audit documents back and PKF Littlejohn are completely happy with the findings.
10. Planning report:
a. Planning Applications had been circulated to each ward Cllr and comments etc had been on reported on the SHDC website.
b. Demolition for the old Gardman site had been approved after all the surveys had now been completed. Hoardings will now be placed around the area and the contractors will be on site 24 hrs.
c. A letter had been distributed by Larkfleet Homes for a considerable sized forthcoming planning application at Moulton Chapel. Larkfleet had arranged for public viewing of plans etc to be on show at MCYCC from 3-7pm on 12th September.
d. Clerk to contact Gary Alexander at SHDC to invite him to the next meeting.
11. Moulton Village Ward:
a. To receive an update from Moulton CIO.
● The committee was actively fundraising with events taking place, to be able to fund replacement of 22 windows.
b. Councillor vacancy.
● Clerk had received a Councillor application. This was put forward to Moulton Ward Councillors, who after discussion, decided to decline the application due to the applicant not living within the Ward.
b. Refurbishment of village sign.
● After discussions, it was agreed to get a price to refurbish the village sign.
d. New village bench.
● It was agreed to obtain prices to supply another bench on the village green.
12. Moulton Seas End Ward
a. Update from MSEVH.
● All ok.
b. Update from MSE Recreational Trust.
● Nothing to report other than the grass has been cut.
c. Councillor vacancy still available.
d. Playground inspection.
● The ROSPA report had been completed which showed various items of play equipment needing attention. Clerk to get prices.
e. Smell from farm.
● The smell reported to the Parish Council at the last meeting, seems to have now gone. After speaking to SHDC there really isn’t much that can be done as this is a farming environment.
f. War Memorial.
● After consultation with SHDC planning, it was agreed to withdraw the current planning application to have the monument cleaned and repainted due to adverse comments made by the war Memorial Trust. It was agreed by all to submit another application, this time adhering to the War memorial Trusts advise. Also find out of the WMT were invited as consulters to make remarks. Clerk suggested that the contractor to complete the work be booked so no time is lost before November.
13. Moulton Chapel Ward.
a. Update from MCYCC.
●Solar panels had been installed along with a storage unit. Can the grounds contractor start cutting the grass at the rear of the Community Centre when the season starts next year. Clerk to instruct accordingly.
b. Defib cabinet.
● Clerk can now report the new defibrillator cabinet has been installed on the wall of the Jolly farmer public house. The old broken one will now be disposed of.
c. Councillor vacancy.
●Application in person had been received (This was discussed earlier during the meeting to allow the new Cllr to participate) by Dave Sanderson, Dave gave a comprehensive view on why he wants to become a Cllr. It was proposed by Cllr Wakefield and seconded by Cllr Benton that the Parish Council accept this application. Resolved to accept. Welcome Cllr Sanderson.
d. Refurb of village sign.
● Clerk suggested that the village sign be looked at to see if any work needs doing to it. Whilst Moulton Chapel village sign is made up of concrete, Cllr Benton said that he would give it a clean down with soapy water.
14. All correspondence
a. All correspondence had either been circulated or included in the agenda.
15. Councillors reports & items for inclusion at the next meeting. One email had been received regarding a dog constantly barking in Moulton. This issue was quickly passed to the Dog Warden to deal with.
●To reinstate the ‘Matters arising’ items on the agenda. Is there a list generated by Highways containing all pot-hole works in the area.
16. Date of the next meeting.
a. Date of the next Parish Council meeting will be on Tuesday 2nd October. 2018 at 7pm at Moulton Chapel Youth & Community Centre.
17. To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude public, press and police.
It was agreed to move into closed session.
General meeting closed at 8.45pm